1、As Yoga is the method of phenomenology, or hermeneutics, which is the process of conversation.───瑜珈作为一种现象学的方法,或可说是诠释学的方法,是一种对话的过程。
2、free conversation method of interrogation───自由交谈讯问法
3、The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.───向开发团队及在开发团队中传达信息的最有效率和最有效的方法是:面对面的交谈。
conversation method(意思翻译)
conversation method(相似词语短语)
1、short conversation───短对话
2、difficult conversation───困难的谈话
3、conversation classes───会话类
4、engaging conversation───引人入胜的谈话
6、uncomfortable conversation───不舒服的谈话
7、telephone conversation───打电话
9、facilitating conversation───促进谈话
conversation method(双语使用场景)
1、As Yoga is the method of phenomenology, or hermeneutics, which is the process of conversation.───瑜珈作为一种现象学的方法,或可说是诠释学的方法,是一种对话的过程。
2、free conversation method of interrogation───自由交谈讯问法
3、The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.───向开发团队及在开发团队中传达信息的最有效率和最有效的方法是:面对面的交谈。
4、conversation method conversational chaining conversational maxims conversational terminal converse───逆命题会话式链锁会话准则对话终端