1、If you put a coin in the slot of this machine, stamps come out of another slot.───如果你把硬币放进这台机器的一个投币口,邮票就会从另一个口里出来。
2、As he had concluded earlier, “the truth is that *outcomes* come first, and services and processes are two sides of the same coin in achieving the right results.───就像他之前所 概括的那样,“其本质是*结果*第一,而服务和流程对于达到正确的结果而言,不过是同一枚硬币的两面罢了。”
3、Try to buy and American gold coin, this is tough to come by as it is often sold out.───尝试买美洲金币,这是很难做到的因为它经常售罄。
come coin(意思翻译)
come coin(相似词语短语)
1、plus coin───硬币加硬币
2、gold coin───小钱; 金币;[金融]金币;小钱
3、coin purse───装硬币的钱包;钱包;零钱袋
4、dandiprat coin───丹迪普拉特币
5、coin───n.硬币,钱币;金属货币;(一枚)硬币;(coins)塔罗牌中的一种花色;vt.铸造(货币);杜撰,创造(新词,短语);快速轻松地发财;n. (Coin)(西、意)科因;(法)库安(人名)
6、golden coin───金币
7、coin collection───硬币收藏
8、centesimo coin───centesimo硬币
9、fil coin───投币
come coin(双语使用场景)
1、If you put a coin in the slot of this machine, stamps come out of another slot.───如果你把硬币放进这台机器的一个投币口,邮票就会从另一个口里出来。
2、As he had concluded earlier, “the truth is that *outcomes* come first, and services and processes are two sides of the same coin in achieving the right results.───就像他之前所 概括的那样,“其本质是*结果*第一,而服务和流程对于达到正确的结果而言,不过是同一枚硬币的两面罢了。”
3、Try to buy and American gold coin, this is tough to come by as it is often sold out.───尝试买美洲金币,这是很难做到的因为它经常售罄。