1、for central to the paste layer CFRP, the eccentric smaller eccentric than large multi-capacity to improve;───对于环向粘贴一层碳纤维布而言,小偏心受压柱要比大偏心受压柱承载力进步的多;
2、I need you to copy and paste the following onto a new layer and assign it 25% Opacity.───我需要你复制粘贴下图所示的图形到一个新的图层,并分配其25%的不透明度。
3、Paste Layer Effects To Linked───粘贴图层样式到链接层
4、new paper separator was composed of three layers and the base was of special fibred elt coated with a paste layer containing water-insoluble polymers for universal uses.───采用特种纤维,制成带有毡状纤维层的片基、(?)布含有非水溶性万能糊料的膜层,制出具有三层结构的新型电池隔膜。
5、A study on the attrition resistance of the gold-paste layer fused to Ni-Cr alloy───镍铬合金表面金泥涂层耐磨性的实验研究
6、So we must paste it on a new layer as pixels first.───所以,我们必须先将它作为像素粘贴到一个新的图层中。
7、Point Force Model of Smart Structure Piezoelectric Actuator With Paste Layer───带粘结层智能结构压电作动器的修正点力模型
8、Then right click on the 'The W' layer and select 'Paste layer style'.───然后右键点击“W”层,选择“粘贴图层样式”。
9、Study on smoothness of gold-paste layer fused to Ni-Cr alloy───镍铬合金表面金泥涂层光洁度的实验研究
paste layer(英语使用场景)
1、This new paper separator was composed of three layers and the base was of special fibred elt coated with a paste layer containing water-insoluble polymers for universal uses.
paste layer(意思翻译)
paste layer(相似词语短语)
1、clayey layer───粘土层
2、outer layer───外层(细胞次生壁外面的一层)
3、thermal paste───热胶
4、bouillon paste───肉汤酱
5、decarburized layer───[化工]脱碳层
7、mucus layer───粘液层
8、dense layer───[医]致密层
9、oxide layer───氧化层
paste layer(双语使用场景)
1、for central to the paste layer CFRP, the eccentric smaller eccentric than large multi-capacity to improve;───对于环向粘贴一层碳纤维布而言,小偏心受压柱要比大偏心受压柱承载力进步的多;
2、I need you to copy and paste the following onto a new layer and assign it 25% Opacity.───我需要你复制粘贴下图所示的图形到一个新的图层,并分配其25%的不透明度。
3、Paste Layer Effects To Linked───粘贴图层样式到链接层
4、new paper separator was composed of three layers and the base was of special fibred elt coated with a paste layer containing water-insoluble polymers for universal uses.───采用特种纤维,制成带有毡状纤维层的片基、(?)布含有非水溶性万能糊料的膜层,制出具有三层结构的新型电池隔膜。
5、A study on the attrition resistance of the gold-paste layer fused to Ni-Cr alloy───镍铬合金表面金泥涂层耐磨性的实验研究
6、So we must paste it on a new layer as pixels first.───所以,我们必须先将它作为像素粘贴到一个新的图层中。
7、Point Force Model of Smart Structure Piezoelectric Actuator With Paste Layer───带粘结层智能结构压电作动器的修正点力模型
8、Then right click on the 'The W' layer and select 'Paste layer style'.───然后右键点击“W”层,选择“粘贴图层样式”。
9、Study on smoothness of gold-paste layer fused to Ni-Cr alloy───镍铬合金表面金泥涂层光洁度的实验研究
paste layer(英语使用场景)
1、This new paper separator was composed of three layers and the base was of special fibred elt coated with a paste layer containing water-insoluble polymers for universal uses.