1、It is in the inner chamber, in the secret of God's presence, that by the Holy Spirit God's Word will become our delight and our strength.───在内室中,在神面前的隐密处,神的道要藉着圣灵成为我们的喜乐和力量。
2、As you draw upon the strength of His Spirit, God will make you equal to anything.───借靠圣灵的力量,上帝将使你能胜任一切。
3、Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites, with all them whose spirit God had raised, to go up to build the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem.───于是,犹大和便雅悯的族长,祭司,利未人,就是一切被神激动他心的人,都起来要上耶路撒冷去建造YeHeHua的殿。
4、been possessed by a devil or evil spirit? Was God punishing him for wrong-doing?───是魔鬼附体呢,还是因做孽受到上帝的惩罚呢?
5、The Spirit of God is the Spirit of truth.───上帝的精神是对真理的精神。
6、Spiritual growth is a collaborative effort between you and the Holy Spirit. God's Spirit works with us, not just in us.───灵命成长是你和圣灵之间的合作,神的灵不只与我们同在,更与我们同工。
spirit god(意思翻译)
spirit god(相似词语短语)
1、forbearing spirit───忍让精神
2、jeep spirit───吉普车精神
4、sevenfold spirit of god meaning───神的七倍灵的意思
5、pioneering spirit───开拓精神;首创精神;闯劲;首创精神; 闯劲; 开拓精神
6、debilitated spirit───衰弱的精神
7、evil spirit───恶魔;妖精;魅;祟;邪魔;妖精
9、altruistic spirit───利他精神
spirit god(双语使用场景)
1、It is in the inner chamber, in the secret of God's presence, that by the Holy Spirit God's Word will become our delight and our strength.───在内室中,在神面前的隐密处,神的道要藉着圣灵成为我们的喜乐和力量。
2、As you draw upon the strength of His Spirit, God will make you equal to anything.───借靠圣灵的力量,上帝将使你能胜任一切。
3、Then rose up the chief of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests, and the Levites, with all them whose spirit God had raised, to go up to build the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem.───于是,犹大和便雅悯的族长,祭司,利未人,就是一切被神激动他心的人,都起来要上耶路撒冷去建造YeHeHua的殿。
4、been possessed by a devil or evil spirit? Was God punishing him for wrong-doing?───是魔鬼附体呢,还是因做孽受到上帝的惩罚呢?
5、The Spirit of God is the Spirit of truth.───上帝的精神是对真理的精神。
6、Spiritual growth is a collaborative effort between you and the Holy Spirit. God's Spirit works with us, not just in us.───灵命成长是你和圣灵之间的合作,神的灵不只与我们同在,更与我们同工。