2、Tiger wood's domination in golf was once undisputed.───泰格吾茨在高尔夫球的称霸四方在当时是毋庸置疑的。
3、These units are made out of Tiger wood case and Maple wood ends.───这些单元由虎木树皮和枫叶数树端的材料制成。
4、The company spent a lot of money in winning the support of stares like Pete Sampras, Tiger Wood, and members of Brazil's soccer team.───该公司花了赢得了像桑普拉斯,虎木凝视支持了很多钱,和巴西的成员,星光大道足球队。
5、Tiger Wood's year in golf didn't play out like it was supposed to,───老虎伍兹今年的高尔夫赛季表现远远偏离了预期的轨道。
6、She burned the image of a tiger into the wood panel.───她在木嵌板上烙出了虎的形象。
tiger wood(意思翻译)
tiger wood(相似词语短语)
1、brother tiger───老虎哥哥
2、the tiger───老虎
3、tiger train───老虎火车
5、yellow tiger───黄虎
6、tiger like───adj.似虎的
7、drunken tiger───醉虎
8、malayan tiger───马来亚虎
tiger wood(双语使用场景)
1、Tiger Wood do that in public.───老虎也会在公众场合干这个?
2、Tiger wood's domination in golf was once undisputed.───泰格吾茨在高尔夫球的称霸四方在当时是毋庸置疑的。
3、These units are made out of Tiger wood case and Maple wood ends.───这些单元由虎木树皮和枫叶数树端的材料制成。
4、The company spent a lot of money in winning the support of stares like Pete Sampras, Tiger Wood, and members of Brazil's soccer team.───该公司花了赢得了像桑普拉斯,虎木凝视支持了很多钱,和巴西的成员,星光大道足球队。
5、Tiger Wood's year in golf didn't play out like it was supposed to,───老虎伍兹今年的高尔夫赛季表现远远偏离了预期的轨道。
6、She burned the image of a tiger into the wood panel.───她在木嵌板上烙出了虎的形象。