1、It was an open game from the kick-off as both sides looked to play the ball around at speed.───比赛从开始就十分精彩,双方都试图展开快速进攻。
2、Grandma can't run and play the ball the way she used to . She's no spring chicken.───奶奶不能像以前那样跑步和打球了。她老了。
3、He challenged to get the ball and did not go to hurt the player, just to play the ball.───他只是想要抢到球而不是伤人,只是为了踢球而已。
4、This is the way we play the ball, so ear-ly on Fri-day mor-ning.───在星期五的大早上,这就是我们打球的方式。
5、From my position and the view I had, I could see Stevie move the ball forward and the defender did not play the ball.───从我的位置和视角看到,我可以看到史蒂芬可以带球向前,后卫根本就没有碰到球。
6、All the players can play the ball with hands and feet.───所有的球员能够发挥的球手和脚。
7、Someone found the boy play the ball near the school.───有人发现那男孩在学校附近踢球。
8、One day at where we play, the ball into the back of a warehouse, I and my partners are not Qujian.───有一天晚上我们在那里打球时,球被打进了后面的仓库里,我和我的伙伴都不敢去拣。
9、In soccer, only goalkeepers may use their hands to play the ball.───在足球比赛中,只有守门员才可用手接球。
play the ball(英语使用场景)
1、This now prevents players who are in front of the ball from advancing forward towards an opponent waiting to play the ball.
2、Players may use their feet, head, _or_chest to play the ball with the exception of the goalkeeper_and_of making a throw-in , players may not use their hands_or_arms.
3、In soccer, only the goal - keeper may play the ball with his hands.
4、Once, he gets fort to play the ball of a ducal home in those.
5、The first option is to play the ball as it lies.
6、In stroke play, the ball the player hit out of bounds was a wrong ball, and the ball played under Rule 27-1 was a continuation of the play of that wrong ball.
7、With regard to Decision 28/4, if the player drops a ball into a lateral water hazard and the ball rolls into a position where the player is unable to play the ball, how should he proceed?
play the ball(意思翻译)
play the ball(相似词语短语)
1、play a ball───打球
2、play the───播放
3、bounce the ball───[体]拍球
4、play ball games───打球;进行球类活动
5、pete play ball───皮特打球
6、dribbled the ball───运球
7、play basket ball───打篮球
8、the ball───球
9、play ball───开始活动;开始赛球;v.开始活动
play the ball(双语使用场景)
1、It was an open game from the kick-off as both sides looked to play the ball around at speed.───比赛从开始就十分精彩,双方都试图展开快速进攻。
2、Grandma can't run and play the ball the way she used to . She's no spring chicken.───奶奶不能像以前那样跑步和打球了。她老了。
3、He challenged to get the ball and did not go to hurt the player, just to play the ball.───他只是想要抢到球而不是伤人,只是为了踢球而已。
4、This is the way we play the ball, so ear-ly on Fri-day mor-ning.───在星期五的大早上,这就是我们打球的方式。
5、From my position and the view I had, I could see Stevie move the ball forward and the defender did not play the ball.───从我的位置和视角看到,我可以看到史蒂芬可以带球向前,后卫根本就没有碰到球。
6、All the players can play the ball with hands and feet.───所有的球员能够发挥的球手和脚。
7、Someone found the boy play the ball near the school.───有人发现那男孩在学校附近踢球。
8、One day at where we play, the ball into the back of a warehouse, I and my partners are not Qujian.───有一天晚上我们在那里打球时,球被打进了后面的仓库里,我和我的伙伴都不敢去拣。
9、In soccer, only goalkeepers may use their hands to play the ball.───在足球比赛中,只有守门员才可用手接球。
play the ball(英语使用场景)
1、This now prevents players who are in front of the ball from advancing forward towards an opponent waiting to play the ball.
2、Players may use their feet, head, _or_chest to play the ball with the exception of the goalkeeper_and_of making a throw-in , players may not use their hands_or_arms.
3、In soccer, only the goal - keeper may play the ball with his hands.
4、Once, he gets fort to play the ball of a ducal home in those.
5、The first option is to play the ball as it lies.
6、In stroke play, the ball the player hit out of bounds was a wrong ball, and the ball played under Rule 27-1 was a continuation of the play of that wrong ball.
7、With regard to Decision 28/4, if the player drops a ball into a lateral water hazard and the ball rolls into a position where the player is unable to play the ball, how should he proceed?