1、Selected soils are meadow soil, Black Calcium soil, and meadow alkali soil, respectively.───典型土壤选择草甸土、黑钙土、草甸碱土三种。
2、It can be washed out when it rains or it can be released to the atmosphere, whereas phosphorus combines with calcium and iron, and can be preserved in the soil for thousands of years.───它可以在下雨时被冲刷掉,也可以释放到大气中,而磷与钙和铁结合,可以在土壤中保存数千年。
3、plots were conducted in farmland, the meadow soil in the Natural Reserves, and the meadow alkali soil in the degraded grassland with saline bowls.───黑钙土样地选择在大田,草甸土选择在羊草自然保护区内,草甸碱土选择在退化草地碱斑部位。
calcium soil(意思翻译)
calcium soil(相似词语短语)
1、milk calcium───牛乳钙
2、regulates calcium───调节钙
3、calcium phosphate───n.磷酸钙;n.[无化]磷酸钙
4、calcium oxide───[无化]氧化钙,生石灰;n.氧化钙,生石灰
7、calcium ascorbate───维生素c钙;[化] 维生素C钙,抗坏血酸钙
8、calcium hydroxide───[无化]氢氧化钙;氢化钙;n.氢化钙
9、corrected calcium───校正钙
calcium soil(双语使用场景)
1、Selected soils are meadow soil, Black Calcium soil, and meadow alkali soil, respectively.───典型土壤选择草甸土、黑钙土、草甸碱土三种。
2、It can be washed out when it rains or it can be released to the atmosphere, whereas phosphorus combines with calcium and iron, and can be preserved in the soil for thousands of years.───它可以在下雨时被冲刷掉,也可以释放到大气中,而磷与钙和铁结合,可以在土壤中保存数千年。
3、plots were conducted in farmland, the meadow soil in the Natural Reserves, and the meadow alkali soil in the degraded grassland with saline bowls.───黑钙土样地选择在大田,草甸土选择在羊草自然保护区内,草甸碱土选择在退化草地碱斑部位。