1、Sophie is sure of good exam results.───索菲对考试获得好成绩很有把握。
2、He seldom talked to me or got involved with my studies through the year but always scolded me if I didn't produce good exam results, Xu says.───他很少和我沟通,也很少过问我的学习,但是如果我成绩不好的话他总是会指责我。
3、We congratulated him on his good exam results.───我们祝贺他考试成绩优良。
4、congratulate sb on his marriage, new job, good exam results, etc.───祝贺某人结婚、找到新工作、考试成绩优良等。
5、What it does show is that good exam results tend to be followed, a few years later, by small but measurable improvements in economic growth.───它真正展示的内容是,优秀的考试成绩可能带来几年之后的微小却可测的经济进步。
6、You hand in a girlfriend, you must love her, you love and transporter complacent, I now only frustrated good exam.───你交女朋友了,你一定好喜欢她吧,你情场又转运得意了,我此时只愿考场不失意就好。
7、Despite their good exam performances, they find that what they lack is a competitive edge.───虽然大学期间成绩不错,但他们发现,自己仍缺乏竞争优势。
8、it does show is that good exam results tend to be followed, a few years later, by small but measurable improvements in economic growth.───它真正展示的内容是,优秀的考试成绩可能带来几年之后的微小却可测的经济进步。
good exam(英语使用场景)
1、My daughter's school has very good exam results and hardly any truancy.
2、Frances achieved very good exam results.
3、Users tended to be children with low expectations of good exam results and generally low esteem.
good exam(意思翻译)
good exam(相似词语短语)
1、entrance exam───n.入学考试
2、l exam───我考试
3、catheterism exam───导尿检查
4、exam task───考试任务
5、compt exam───计算机考试
6、exhorter exam───规劝考试
7、exam papers───(英)试卷;试题册;(美)答题纸
8、naturalization exam───入籍考试
9、genitourinary exam───泌尿ShengZhiXiTong检查
good exam(双语使用场景)
1、Sophie is sure of good exam results.───索菲对考试获得好成绩很有把握。
2、He seldom talked to me or got involved with my studies through the year but always scolded me if I didn't produce good exam results, Xu says.───他很少和我沟通,也很少过问我的学习,但是如果我成绩不好的话他总是会指责我。
3、We congratulated him on his good exam results.───我们祝贺他考试成绩优良。
4、congratulate sb on his marriage, new job, good exam results, etc.───祝贺某人结婚、找到新工作、考试成绩优良等。
5、What it does show is that good exam results tend to be followed, a few years later, by small but measurable improvements in economic growth.───它真正展示的内容是,优秀的考试成绩可能带来几年之后的微小却可测的经济进步。
6、You hand in a girlfriend, you must love her, you love and transporter complacent, I now only frustrated good exam.───你交女朋友了,你一定好喜欢她吧,你情场又转运得意了,我此时只愿考场不失意就好。
7、Despite their good exam performances, they find that what they lack is a competitive edge.───虽然大学期间成绩不错,但他们发现,自己仍缺乏竞争优势。
8、it does show is that good exam results tend to be followed, a few years later, by small but measurable improvements in economic growth.───它真正展示的内容是,优秀的考试成绩可能带来几年之后的微小却可测的经济进步。
good exam(英语使用场景)
1、My daughter's school has very good exam results and hardly any truancy.
2、Frances achieved very good exam results.
3、Users tended to be children with low expectations of good exam results and generally low esteem.