2、Then the dwarf, in a shaky voice, pleaded, Dear Mr Bear, please spare my life I beg of you.───然后,小矮人以发抖的声音向熊祈求道:“亲爱的熊先生,求求您饶了我吧。”
3、" The Flea replied, " O my dear sir, pray spare my life, and destroy me not, for I cannot possibly do you much harm.───跳蚤回答说:「哦,我亲爱的先生,请你饶了我的命吧,不要弄死我啊,因为实际上我对你不会有多大的害处的。」
4、The Flea replied, o my dear Sir, pray spare my life, and destroy me not, for I cannot possibly do you much harm.───跳蚤回答说:“哦,我亲爱的先生,请你饶了我的命吧,不要弄死我啊,因为实际上我对你不会有多大的害处的。”
5、If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness.───如果你愿意放过我,我一定报答你的。
6、honey , spare my life. in my eyes , you are the mot beautiful, tender and understanding in the world .───娘子饶命,在我眼里,你就是世界上最漂亮的,最温柔的,最善解人意的。
7、Spare my life, " he wailed, " and I will ask nothing from you. You shall pass by this place in peace.───“饶命,”他哭喊道,“我什么都不要,你可以平安的通过这个地方。”
8、Pray spare my life, and put me back into the sea.───祈祷挽救我的生命,并把我放回海。
9、If you will spare my life , perhaps I may be able to do you a good turn , too.───2如果你将不遗余力我的生活,或许我可以帮你一个好事,太。
spare my life(意思翻译)
spare my life(相似词语短语)
2、my life───我的人生(克林顿自传);我的心肝(称呼最心爱的人)
3、spare capacity───备用容量,闲置生产能力;备用容量;闲置的生产能力
4、spare time───n.消遣时间; 闲空; 余; 工余;n.消遣时间;业余时间
5、my life my way───我的生活我的方式
6、my way my life───我的方式我的生活
7、in my spare time───在我的空闲时间;在我闲暇时
8、ou my life───我的生活
9、spare part───n.备件
spare my life(双语使用场景)
1、Take my money but spare my life!───钱拿去,饶我一命吧!
2、Then the dwarf, in a shaky voice, pleaded, Dear Mr Bear, please spare my life I beg of you.───然后,小矮人以发抖的声音向熊祈求道:“亲爱的熊先生,求求您饶了我吧。”
3、" The Flea replied, " O my dear sir, pray spare my life, and destroy me not, for I cannot possibly do you much harm.───跳蚤回答说:「哦,我亲爱的先生,请你饶了我的命吧,不要弄死我啊,因为实际上我对你不会有多大的害处的。」
4、The Flea replied, o my dear Sir, pray spare my life, and destroy me not, for I cannot possibly do you much harm.───跳蚤回答说:“哦,我亲爱的先生,请你饶了我的命吧,不要弄死我啊,因为实际上我对你不会有多大的害处的。”
5、If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness.───如果你愿意放过我,我一定报答你的。
6、honey , spare my life. in my eyes , you are the mot beautiful, tender and understanding in the world .───娘子饶命,在我眼里,你就是世界上最漂亮的,最温柔的,最善解人意的。
7、Spare my life, " he wailed, " and I will ask nothing from you. You shall pass by this place in peace.───“饶命,”他哭喊道,“我什么都不要,你可以平安的通过这个地方。”
8、Pray spare my life, and put me back into the sea.───祈祷挽救我的生命,并把我放回海。
9、If you will spare my life , perhaps I may be able to do you a good turn , too.───2如果你将不遗余力我的生活,或许我可以帮你一个好事,太。