1、So in defense of Britain's food, here is a list, in no particular order, of some Britishdishes which are definitely worth a try if you ever come across them.───所以为了给英国食品正名,我在这里列个表,没有先后后排名,这些食品绝对值得你尝一尝,哪怕是你偶遇到这些英式菜肴。
2、Here is a list of 10 common side effects caused by the food we eat.───以下是常见食物所引起的十大副作用清单。
3、Here is a list of some of these culinary oddities - 52 Travel Tips for Weird Food and Drinks - that I've experienced, plus a couple of others I've come across.───下文是我罗列出的一部分厨房里诞生的怪胎——52条体验怪诞饮食的旅行建议——都是我所体验过的,还有一些浮现在我脑海里的。
here is a food list(意思翻译)
here is a food list(相似词语短语)
1、here is───这是(用于引出介绍的对象、发现的事物或向他人所展示的东西)
2、here is a foot───这是一只脚
3、here is a go───开始吧
4、here is a───这是一个
5、here is a book───这是一本书
6、a list of food───食物清单
7、food is───食物是
8、here is a cat───这是一只猫
9、here is a cake───这是一个蛋糕
here is a food list(双语使用场景)
1、So in defense of Britain's food, here is a list, in no particular order, of some Britishdishes which are definitely worth a try if you ever come across them.───所以为了给英国食品正名,我在这里列个表,没有先后后排名,这些食品绝对值得你尝一尝,哪怕是你偶遇到这些英式菜肴。
2、Here is a list of 10 common side effects caused by the food we eat.───以下是常见食物所引起的十大副作用清单。
3、Here is a list of some of these culinary oddities - 52 Travel Tips for Weird Food and Drinks - that I've experienced, plus a couple of others I've come across.───下文是我罗列出的一部分厨房里诞生的怪胎——52条体验怪诞饮食的旅行建议——都是我所体验过的,还有一些浮现在我脑海里的。