1、The binder burns off to form an ash residue that can be readily removed.───烧去所述粘合剂以形成能够容易地除去的灰残余物。
2、There are many differences between CFB ash residue and common ash residue because CFB boiler burn at lower temperature and desulfurizer is put during combustion.───流化床锅炉属于低温燃烧,并且燃烧过程加入了大量的脱硫剂,导致其产生的灰渣较普通粉煤灰有很大差异。
3、Resilient floor coverings. Identification of linoleum and determination of cement content and ash residue.───弹性地板覆盖物.油毡的识别和成分.胶剂含量和灰渣的测定
4、Analysis and solution of the problem of excessive carbon content in the ash residue from boilers───锅炉灰渣含碳量过高的原因分析及处理
5、The Review and Analysis of Comprehensive Utilization of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Ash Residue───循环流化床锅炉灰渣综合利用
6、Feasibility of preparing brick with the fly ash residue by burning coal-black liquor in power plant───电厂燃烧黑液-水煤浆所排灰渣用于制砖的可行性
7、With promotion of comprehensive usage of residue(ash), residue discharge and ash conveying in dry phase has been developed.───由于废渣(灰)综合利用水平的提高,干法排渣、输灰技术也得到了发展。
8、It can also reduce the cost, because the ferroalloy company has plenty of melting aluminium ash residue resources.───由于铁合金企业有丰富的熔铝灰渣资源,还可使成本降低。
ash residue(意思翻译)
ash residue(相似词语短语)
2、lisa ash───丽莎·阿什
3、f ash───n.(Fash)人名;(英)法什;n.烦恼;麻烦;vt.使苦恼;使生气
4、ash content───[能源]灰分含量,[能源]含灰量
6、ash katchum───Ash Katchum
7、caging ash───灰烬
8、asparagine residue───天冬酰胺残留
9、sulfated ash───[医] 硫酸处理灰;硫酸盐灰分
ash residue(双语使用场景)
1、The binder burns off to form an ash residue that can be readily removed.───烧去所述粘合剂以形成能够容易地除去的灰残余物。
2、There are many differences between CFB ash residue and common ash residue because CFB boiler burn at lower temperature and desulfurizer is put during combustion.───流化床锅炉属于低温燃烧,并且燃烧过程加入了大量的脱硫剂,导致其产生的灰渣较普通粉煤灰有很大差异。
3、Resilient floor coverings. Identification of linoleum and determination of cement content and ash residue.───弹性地板覆盖物.油毡的识别和成分.胶剂含量和灰渣的测定
4、Analysis and solution of the problem of excessive carbon content in the ash residue from boilers───锅炉灰渣含碳量过高的原因分析及处理
5、The Review and Analysis of Comprehensive Utilization of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Ash Residue───循环流化床锅炉灰渣综合利用
6、Feasibility of preparing brick with the fly ash residue by burning coal-black liquor in power plant───电厂燃烧黑液-水煤浆所排灰渣用于制砖的可行性
7、With promotion of comprehensive usage of residue(ash), residue discharge and ash conveying in dry phase has been developed.───由于废渣(灰)综合利用水平的提高,干法排渣、输灰技术也得到了发展。
8、It can also reduce the cost, because the ferroalloy company has plenty of melting aluminium ash residue resources.───由于铁合金企业有丰富的熔铝灰渣资源,还可使成本降低。