1、Data analyses prove that 4-year-old children seem to have well acquired the two constructions.───数据分析显示,4岁儿童已经很好地掌握了这两个用字结构。
2、Sister Teresa in the 12-year-old children to a Catholic charity when she felt their future career is to help the poor.───特雷萨修女在12岁加入一个TianZhu教的儿童慈善会时,她就感觉自己未来的职业是要帮助贫寒。
3、Yes, it's said that the average IQ of dogs is as high as two-year old children.───是的,据说狗的平均智商跟2岁的儿童一样高。
4、A scientific team is studying the thinking ability of eleven and half-month-old children.───一个科学小组正在研究11个半月大的孩子的思维能力。
5、Once over a year old, children are not permitted to live behind bars.───岁龄的儿童不被允许和父亲生活在狱中。
6、In Carl life at last stage, as if he and a 8-year-old children have finally stepped on the route taking risks under the destiny arrangement.───在卡尔生命的最后阶段,仿佛在命运的安排下,他与一个8岁的小好友终于踏上了冒险的旅程。
7、Urban-rural differences in dental caries of 5-year old children in Scotland.───岁儿童龋齿的城乡差异》,凯特·a·列文等,爱丁堡大学。
8、As the matter stands, a class half hour unconsciously has passed by, unconsciously is all tired including seven year-old children.───这样一来,一节课一个半小时不知不觉就过去了,连七岁的孩子都不觉累。
9、Young children look up to old ones, so old children should be good examples.───年轻的孩子很敬仰那些大孩子,所以大孩子要做好榜样。
old children(英语使用场景)
1、In this game, the three - year - old children are asked to size down the ten toy cars within 30 seconds.
2、At about three years old, children begin to take an interest in their peers.
3、The study examined negative priming effect in a numerical Piaget - like task sample of 9 - year - old children.
4、After a further five - year - old children are bed - wetting, called enuresis patients.
5、Conclusion: The deciduous tooth caries incidence of 5 year old children is high in Yunnan.
6、Conclusions We consider that the homoplastic bone transplantation in treatment of old children with congenital hip joint dislocation have some merits, and worth popularization.
7、Seven, nine, and eleven - year - old children can usemore features such as voluntariness or involuntariness to make judgments.
8、Objective To explore the relationship of inflammation mediator leukotriene E4(LTE4) and nocturnal asthma in 3-6 years old children.
9、The results show that the prevalence of flatfoot for 5 to 13 years old children was 28% with a decreasing trend with age. The prevalence of flatfoot was 35% in boys and 20% in girls.
old children(意思翻译)
old children(相似词语短语)
1、cremating children───火化儿童
3、a children───一个孩子
5、rearing children───养儿育女
6、foster children───寄养儿童;养子或养女
7、firstborn children───长子
8、children songs───儿童歌曲
9、chastising children───惩罚孩子
old children(双语使用场景)
1、Data analyses prove that 4-year-old children seem to have well acquired the two constructions.───数据分析显示,4岁儿童已经很好地掌握了这两个用字结构。
2、Sister Teresa in the 12-year-old children to a Catholic charity when she felt their future career is to help the poor.───特雷萨修女在12岁加入一个TianZhu教的儿童慈善会时,她就感觉自己未来的职业是要帮助贫寒。
3、Yes, it's said that the average IQ of dogs is as high as two-year old children.───是的,据说狗的平均智商跟2岁的儿童一样高。
4、A scientific team is studying the thinking ability of eleven and half-month-old children.───一个科学小组正在研究11个半月大的孩子的思维能力。
5、Once over a year old, children are not permitted to live behind bars.───岁龄的儿童不被允许和父亲生活在狱中。
6、In Carl life at last stage, as if he and a 8-year-old children have finally stepped on the route taking risks under the destiny arrangement.───在卡尔生命的最后阶段,仿佛在命运的安排下,他与一个8岁的小好友终于踏上了冒险的旅程。
7、Urban-rural differences in dental caries of 5-year old children in Scotland.───岁儿童龋齿的城乡差异》,凯特·a·列文等,爱丁堡大学。
8、As the matter stands, a class half hour unconsciously has passed by, unconsciously is all tired including seven year-old children.───这样一来,一节课一个半小时不知不觉就过去了,连七岁的孩子都不觉累。
9、Young children look up to old ones, so old children should be good examples.───年轻的孩子很敬仰那些大孩子,所以大孩子要做好榜样。
old children(英语使用场景)
1、In this game, the three - year - old children are asked to size down the ten toy cars within 30 seconds.
2、At about three years old, children begin to take an interest in their peers.
3、The study examined negative priming effect in a numerical Piaget - like task sample of 9 - year - old children.
4、After a further five - year - old children are bed - wetting, called enuresis patients.
5、Conclusion: The deciduous tooth caries incidence of 5 year old children is high in Yunnan.
6、Conclusions We consider that the homoplastic bone transplantation in treatment of old children with congenital hip joint dislocation have some merits, and worth popularization.
7、Seven, nine, and eleven - year - old children can usemore features such as voluntariness or involuntariness to make judgments.
8、Objective To explore the relationship of inflammation mediator leukotriene E4(LTE4) and nocturnal asthma in 3-6 years old children.
9、The results show that the prevalence of flatfoot for 5 to 13 years old children was 28% with a decreasing trend with age. The prevalence of flatfoot was 35% in boys and 20% in girls.