1、His reflections on Chinese culture and his emotive writing have popularised a new literary style, called "cultural meditation essay" .───他对中国文化的反思与其感性的写作风格,令「文化散文」这种新文体兴起。
2、Bode was a German astronomer who popularised a mathematical rule, which came to be known as Bode's law, in a book published in 1772.───他使一条被称为波德定律的数学定律广为人知。在1772年出版的一本书中第一次出现。
3、ATMs, which were introduced into the country by foreign banks were popularised among the middle class by new generation private banks.───被外国银行引进这个国家的ATM,现在在新一代的私立银行中开始大众化起来。
4、The model of the hedge fund industry they popularised, able to deploy billions of dollars on a whim, is fast becoming a thing of the past.───这些人在对冲基金业所普及的、凭一时兴起部署数十亿美元的投资模式,正迅速变成明日黄花。
5、THE economic meltdown has popularised a new term: deglobalisation.───经济崩溃促成一个新词的流行:去全球化。
6、Of course, as the price of sugar came down, others started to follow the fashion first popularised by the aristocracy.───当然,随着糖价格下降,其他物品也开始跟风,首先将其普及开来的是贵族。
7、In 1987, the Brundtland Commission first popularised the concept of sustainable development. Twenty years on, what progress has been made?───布伦特兰委员会首次在1987年提出了可持续发展的概念。二十年过去了,这一概念实施的进展如何?
8、He almost invented the attacking full back role before Sir Alf Ramsey popularised it.───他在阿尔法·兰西爵士之前完美的定义了进攻型后卫的角色,而兰西爵士只是让他闻名于世。
9、Cook, a historian of childhood consumerism, it was popularised as a marketing trick by clothing manufacturers in the 1930s.───儿童消费主义的历史学家丹尼尔·库克认为,这其实是上世纪30年代作为服装制造商的一种营销手段流行起来的。
1、There is a rising interest both at colleges and with general audiences, and it has been recently popularised by television.
2、Errol Morris'groundbreaking investigation into a wrongful murder conviction helped free aninnocent man from prison and popularised crime reconstruction as a film device.
3、Many believers accept the broad seven deadly sins or capital vices laid down in the 6th century by Pope Gregory the Great and popularised in the Middle Ages by Aquinas, and by Dante in The Inferno.
4、As the trench coat, then the world's most durable weather coat, was popularised, it is estimated that between 1914 and 1918, 500,000 military trench coats were worn by combatant officers.
5、The idea that one can earn a living away from the smoke, perhaps by tele-commuting, are popularised by journalists.
6、However, most experts agree that the story was popularised by the 12th Century History of the Kings of Britain, written by the Oxford-based Welsh scholar Geoffrey of Monmouth.
1、amongst the most popular books───最受欢迎的书之一
2、depopulation usa───美国人口减少
3、aging population───老年人口;老化人口
4、sampled population───抽样总体
5、go popular───流行起来
6、depopulate now───现在人口减少
7、populate a───填充
8、popular of───流行的
9、depopulation map───人口减少图
10、popular song───n.流行歌曲
1、His reflections on Chinese culture and his emotive writing have popularised a new literary style, called "cultural meditation essay" .───他对中国文化的反思与其感性的写作风格,令「文化散文」这种新文体兴起。
2、Bode was a German astronomer who popularised a mathematical rule, which came to be known as Bode's law, in a book published in 1772.───他使一条被称为波德定律的数学定律广为人知。在1772年出版的一本书中第一次出现。
3、ATMs, which were introduced into the country by foreign banks were popularised among the middle class by new generation private banks.───被外国银行引进这个国家的ATM,现在在新一代的私立银行中开始大众化起来。
4、The model of the hedge fund industry they popularised, able to deploy billions of dollars on a whim, is fast becoming a thing of the past.───这些人在对冲基金业所普及的、凭一时兴起部署数十亿美元的投资模式,正迅速变成明日黄花。
5、THE economic meltdown has popularised a new term: deglobalisation.───经济崩溃促成一个新词的流行:去全球化。
6、Of course, as the price of sugar came down, others started to follow the fashion first popularised by the aristocracy.───当然,随着糖价格下降,其他物品也开始跟风,首先将其普及开来的是贵族。
7、In 1987, the Brundtland Commission first popularised the concept of sustainable development. Twenty years on, what progress has been made?───布伦特兰委员会首次在1987年提出了可持续发展的概念。二十年过去了,这一概念实施的进展如何?
8、He almost invented the attacking full back role before Sir Alf Ramsey popularised it.───他在阿尔法·兰西爵士之前完美的定义了进攻型后卫的角色,而兰西爵士只是让他闻名于世。
9、Cook, a historian of childhood consumerism, it was popularised as a marketing trick by clothing manufacturers in the 1930s.───儿童消费主义的历史学家丹尼尔·库克认为,这其实是上世纪30年代作为服装制造商的一种营销手段流行起来的。
1、There is a rising interest both at colleges and with general audiences, and it has been recently popularised by television.
2、Errol Morris'groundbreaking investigation into a wrongful murder conviction helped free aninnocent man from prison and popularised crime reconstruction as a film device.
3、Many believers accept the broad seven deadly sins or capital vices laid down in the 6th century by Pope Gregory the Great and popularised in the Middle Ages by Aquinas, and by Dante in The Inferno.
4、As the trench coat, then the world's most durable weather coat, was popularised, it is estimated that between 1914 and 1918, 500,000 military trench coats were worn by combatant officers.
5、The idea that one can earn a living away from the smoke, perhaps by tele-commuting, are popularised by journalists.
6、However, most experts agree that the story was popularised by the 12th Century History of the Kings of Britain, written by the Oxford-based Welsh scholar Geoffrey of Monmouth.