1、In one of the farthest halls, Dungeons and Dragons merchandise is on sale, and I counted more than one person wearing a sword and a cloak.───最远处的一个大厅在卖龙与地下城的相关商品,我数出不只一个人是披着斗篷佩剑的装束。
2、As you grow your company this year, remember to harness the strength and power of a dragon and try to attract the good luck dragons bring.───在你的公司龙年成长之际,别忘了利用好龙的威力,把龙带来的好运都吸引过来。
3、The Dragons had only one shot on goal.───龙队只有一次射门。
4、And the wild asses did stand in the high places, they snuffed up the wind like dragons; their eyes did fail, because there was no grass.───野驴站在净光的高处,喘气好像野狗。因为无草,眼目失明。
5、Developers were like "dragons and fish jumbled together" , he said, referring to a mixture of high and low-quality companies.───他表示,开发商“鱼龙混杂”(即优质和劣质企业都有)。
6、You know something of dragons? Dragons?───你知道有关龙的事么?
7、Mom throw away your priceless Dungeons and Dragons magazine?.───妈妈扔掉了你那本宝贝杂志《龙与地下城》吗?
8、There are stories about giants and dragons and trolls, and humans with supernatural powers or gifts, like invisibility cloaks.───故事与巨人、恶龙和巨魔有关,而且这些传说中的人往往都拥有超自然能力或天赋,还有有超能力的道具,比如隐形披风。
9、Mila had not associated the Lion Kingdom with her beloved Winged Dragons up until recently.───Mila直到最近之前从未将ShiZiWangGuo她所至爱的飞龙联系过。
1、As the strength of the dragons waned so did the power of the Dragon Princes.
2、Ready to roar.Cricket's young dragons learning to breathe fire.
3、Under those trees no dragons could fly ... He heard the clap of wings before shadows folded around him.
4、Then the dragons pop through, as it were, and impress their form on this world's possibility matrix.
5、No, I suppose not. Slay the dragons, feed the poor.
6、Martvr is another favorite role when the dragons are roaming around.
1、dunces dragons───龙灌木丛
2、dripple dragons───滴水龙
3、imagine dragons───n.谜幻乐团
4、dragons den───龙穴
5、cruentus dragons───鼠尾草属。
6、asiatic dragons───亚洲龙
7、bounding dragons───飞龙
8、roaming dragons───漫游的龙
9、baas dragons───龙酋长
1、In one of the farthest halls, Dungeons and Dragons merchandise is on sale, and I counted more than one person wearing a sword and a cloak.───最远处的一个大厅在卖龙与地下城的相关商品,我数出不只一个人是披着斗篷佩剑的装束。
2、As you grow your company this year, remember to harness the strength and power of a dragon and try to attract the good luck dragons bring.───在你的公司龙年成长之际,别忘了利用好龙的威力,把龙带来的好运都吸引过来。
3、The Dragons had only one shot on goal.───龙队只有一次射门。
4、And the wild asses did stand in the high places, they snuffed up the wind like dragons; their eyes did fail, because there was no grass.───野驴站在净光的高处,喘气好像野狗。因为无草,眼目失明。
5、Developers were like "dragons and fish jumbled together" , he said, referring to a mixture of high and low-quality companies.───他表示,开发商“鱼龙混杂”(即优质和劣质企业都有)。
6、You know something of dragons? Dragons?───你知道有关龙的事么?
7、Mom throw away your priceless Dungeons and Dragons magazine?.───妈妈扔掉了你那本宝贝杂志《龙与地下城》吗?
8、There are stories about giants and dragons and trolls, and humans with supernatural powers or gifts, like invisibility cloaks.───故事与巨人、恶龙和巨魔有关,而且这些传说中的人往往都拥有超自然能力或天赋,还有有超能力的道具,比如隐形披风。
9、Mila had not associated the Lion Kingdom with her beloved Winged Dragons up until recently.───Mila直到最近之前从未将ShiZiWangGuo她所至爱的飞龙联系过。
1、As the strength of the dragons waned so did the power of the Dragon Princes.
2、Ready to roar.Cricket's young dragons learning to breathe fire.
3、Under those trees no dragons could fly ... He heard the clap of wings before shadows folded around him.
4、Then the dragons pop through, as it were, and impress their form on this world's possibility matrix.
5、No, I suppose not. Slay the dragons, feed the poor.
6、Martvr is another favorite role when the dragons are roaming around.
7、They were in the power of these dragons.
8、Dragons are legendary animals.
9、Dragons beget dragons, phoenixes beget phoenixes.