1、Loops can provide more sophisticated control than running a simple sequence of consecutive tests.───循环能够比运行一个简单序列的连续性测试提供更精细的控制。
2、Simple Sequence Repeat is ubiquitous in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes.───简单重复序列广泛分布于原核和真核基因组。
3、A genetic linkage map was constructed with 164 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers.───用164个微卫星标记 (S S R)构建了遗传连锁图。
4、The analysis of genetic diversity among tomato cultivars was compared by simple sequence repeat (SSR) and morphological markers.───比较了SSR标记和形态标记在研究番茄栽培品种遗传多样性上的应用。
5、Figure 4 shows a simple sequence activity containing two nodes.───图4显示了一个包含两个节点的简单序列活动。
6、The primer design is a key step for RAMP and REMAP, in which anchored simple sequence repeat primers were used.───引物设计是RAMP和REMAP标记分析的关键,二者都使用锚定的微卫星序列引物。
7、SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) primers were used to detect genetic diversity among 67 germplasm semi-wild soybean.───利用12对SSR引物对67份半野生大豆种质进行了遗传多样性的检测分析。
simple sequence(意思翻译)
simple sequence(相似词语短语)
2、sequence alignment───[医]序列对比,序列对仗
3、assassination sequence───暗杀序列
5、sequence game───顺序游戏
6、fabaceous sequence───豆科序列
7、drawing sequence───放煤顺序
8、sequence number───[计]序号;顺序数;n.序号
9、sequence diagram───顺序图,循序图;程序表
simple sequence(双语使用场景)
1、Loops can provide more sophisticated control than running a simple sequence of consecutive tests.───循环能够比运行一个简单序列的连续性测试提供更精细的控制。
2、Simple Sequence Repeat is ubiquitous in prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes.───简单重复序列广泛分布于原核和真核基因组。
3、A genetic linkage map was constructed with 164 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers.───用164个微卫星标记 (S S R)构建了遗传连锁图。
4、The analysis of genetic diversity among tomato cultivars was compared by simple sequence repeat (SSR) and morphological markers.───比较了SSR标记和形态标记在研究番茄栽培品种遗传多样性上的应用。
5、Figure 4 shows a simple sequence activity containing two nodes.───图4显示了一个包含两个节点的简单序列活动。
6、The primer design is a key step for RAMP and REMAP, in which anchored simple sequence repeat primers were used.───引物设计是RAMP和REMAP标记分析的关键,二者都使用锚定的微卫星序列引物。
7、SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) primers were used to detect genetic diversity among 67 germplasm semi-wild soybean.───利用12对SSR引物对67份半野生大豆种质进行了遗传多样性的检测分析。