1、Some Americans did understand that the United States was now a world power and needed a strong and modern fighting force.───一些美国人也明白,美国现在是世界强国,需要一个强大和现代化的战斗力量。
2、The researching object is the fighting force of an air force aviation division.───本文的研究对象为空军航空兵某师作战部队;
3、He had taken a ragbag bunch of men and turned them into a fighting force.───他汇集了一群杂七杂八的人,把他们变成了一只战斗部队。
4、The army was also reformed into a more effective fighting force.───军队也被改编成为更有效的战斗力。
5、Miraculously, he was able to transform. starving, rag-tag troops into a top-notch fighting force and to crush the Italians.───不可思议的是,他能转变挨饿、乌合之众的部队成为一流的战斗力队伍和粉碎义大利人。
6、But such a policy would not suddenly turn the opposition into a fighting force.───不过这样的行动不会迅速把反对派变成可靠的战斗力量。
7、troops have been reorganized into a fighting force.───军队已经被改编成了一支战斗力强的精锐部队。
8、Thus in the course of a few weeks the whole of our Eastern battle fleet was eliminated as a fighting force .───这样,在几个星期之中,我们的东方战列舰队作为一支战斗力量已被消灭了。
9、They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force.───他们把一群未经训练的新兵组织成了一支有战斗力的部队。
fighting force(英语使用场景)
1、The British air fighting force is called the Royal Air Force.
2、Peter de la Billiere, will no longer be welcome at the table of the heroic fighting force he once led.
3、The city lay defenceless before the most powerful fighting force on the continent.
4、Four thousand troops have been reorganized into a fighting force.
5、His immediate priority, though, was to weld a disparate group of men into a cohesive fighting force.
6、The county's soldiers have a fierce reputation as a fighting force, with more battle honours than any other regiment.
7、They are a well-trained, disciplined and efficient fighting force.
8、It is shown that the optimized algorithm can satisfy the dispatch of the fire fighting force practicably in the actual application.
9、They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force.
fighting force(意思翻译)
fighting force(相似词语短语)
1、hippopotamus fighting───河马搏斗
2、fighting on───继续战斗
3、fighting fighting go───战斗,战斗,开始
5、fighting out───以斗争解决
6、fighting boy───斗士
8、fighting fit───精悍善战;强健;n.精悍善战,强健
9、dinosaurs fighting───恐龙搏斗
fighting force(双语使用场景)
1、Some Americans did understand that the United States was now a world power and needed a strong and modern fighting force.───一些美国人也明白,美国现在是世界强国,需要一个强大和现代化的战斗力量。
2、The researching object is the fighting force of an air force aviation division.───本文的研究对象为空军航空兵某师作战部队;
3、He had taken a ragbag bunch of men and turned them into a fighting force.───他汇集了一群杂七杂八的人,把他们变成了一只战斗部队。
4、The army was also reformed into a more effective fighting force.───军队也被改编成为更有效的战斗力。
5、Miraculously, he was able to transform. starving, rag-tag troops into a top-notch fighting force and to crush the Italians.───不可思议的是,他能转变挨饿、乌合之众的部队成为一流的战斗力队伍和粉碎义大利人。
6、But such a policy would not suddenly turn the opposition into a fighting force.───不过这样的行动不会迅速把反对派变成可靠的战斗力量。
7、troops have been reorganized into a fighting force.───军队已经被改编成了一支战斗力强的精锐部队。
8、Thus in the course of a few weeks the whole of our Eastern battle fleet was eliminated as a fighting force .───这样,在几个星期之中,我们的东方战列舰队作为一支战斗力量已被消灭了。
9、They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force.───他们把一群未经训练的新兵组织成了一支有战斗力的部队。
fighting force(英语使用场景)
1、The British air fighting force is called the Royal Air Force.
2、Peter de la Billiere, will no longer be welcome at the table of the heroic fighting force he once led.
3、The city lay defenceless before the most powerful fighting force on the continent.
4、Four thousand troops have been reorganized into a fighting force.
5、His immediate priority, though, was to weld a disparate group of men into a cohesive fighting force.
6、The county's soldiers have a fierce reputation as a fighting force, with more battle honours than any other regiment.
7、They are a well-trained, disciplined and efficient fighting force.
8、It is shown that the optimized algorithm can satisfy the dispatch of the fire fighting force practicably in the actual application.
9、They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force.