1、Some 448, 000 gallons alone are used to keep tents cool in the Afghan summer, where temperatures reach well over 40C, and warm in the winter, said Michael Boyd, an energy adviser to the Marine Corps.───海军陆战队能源顾问迈克尔·博伊德 (Michael Boyd)指出,在阿富汗夏季时,光是用于帐篷内的制冷就要约44.8万加仑的汽油。 阿富汗夏季的温度远超过40度,而冬天却很温暖。
2、Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?───再者,二人同睡,能相互取暖。而一人独睡,怎能暖和呢?
keep warm alone(意思翻译)
keep warm alone(相似词语短语)
2、Living alone───[医]独居
3、warm warm───暖暖的
5、to keep warm───保暖
6、warm and warm───温暖而温暖
7、keep warm───保暖;保温
8、let alone───更不必说;听任;不打扰;不理,不管[惹],不烦扰,不干涉; 更不用说,还不算; 何况; 别说
9、keep warm off───保持温暖
keep warm alone(双语使用场景)
1、Some 448, 000 gallons alone are used to keep tents cool in the Afghan summer, where temperatures reach well over 40C, and warm in the winter, said Michael Boyd, an energy adviser to the Marine Corps.───海军陆战队能源顾问迈克尔·博伊德 (Michael Boyd)指出,在阿富汗夏季时,光是用于帐篷内的制冷就要约44.8万加仑的汽油。 阿富汗夏季的温度远超过40度,而冬天却很温暖。
2、Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?───再者,二人同睡,能相互取暖。而一人独睡,怎能暖和呢?