1、Whenever there's a Nick or hairline crack in an insulation sheath, the electrical field in the underlying copper subtly shifts.───只要出现缺口或者毛细裂缝,线缆里的铜周围的电场就会轻微改变。
2、If someone finds a new copper field, or discovers a better way of producing wheat or steel, these increases in supply of goods confer a social benefit.───如果某人发现了一处新铜矿,或发现了更理想的方法去生产小麦或者钢铁,这些商品产量的增加会使整个社会受益。
3、The machine's electrified copper coils generate a weak magnetic field, causing the helium atoms to rotate.───机器为铜线圈充电,形成一个弱磁场,使得氦原子旋转。
field copper(意思翻译)
field copper(相似词语短语)
1、field───vi.担任场外队员;vt.把暴晒于场上;使上场;处理,应付(问题或意见);n.领域;牧场;旷野;战场;运动场;字段;adj.扫描场;田赛的;野生的;n. (Field)(英、法、德、葡)菲尔德(人名)
3、copper cable───铜线电缆;铜质电缆
4、copper sulfate───[无化]硫酸铜
5、copper iud───铜宫内节育器
7、matt copper───亚光铜
8、arsenical copper───[机] 砷铜
9、mini copper───小铜
field copper(双语使用场景)
1、Whenever there's a Nick or hairline crack in an insulation sheath, the electrical field in the underlying copper subtly shifts.───只要出现缺口或者毛细裂缝,线缆里的铜周围的电场就会轻微改变。
2、If someone finds a new copper field, or discovers a better way of producing wheat or steel, these increases in supply of goods confer a social benefit.───如果某人发现了一处新铜矿,或发现了更理想的方法去生产小麦或者钢铁,这些商品产量的增加会使整个社会受益。
3、The machine's electrified copper coils generate a weak magnetic field, causing the helium atoms to rotate.───机器为铜线圈充电,形成一个弱磁场,使得氦原子旋转。