1、The state was recognized by Napoleon in 1797 and by the Congress of Vienna in 1815.───1797年它受到拿破仑的承认,并1815年的维也纳公约中得到认可。
2、rule of big countries over small is likely to become extremely conservative, just as with the Congress of Vienna.───大国对小国的统治可能会变得异常保守,如同维也纳议会那样。
3、1815 - End of the Congress of Vienna: new European political situation is set.───1815年的今天,维也纳会议结束:欧洲新的政治形势得以树立。
4、The state was recognized by Napoleon in 1797 and by the Congress of Vienna in 1815.───拿破仑的承认,并1815年的维也纳公约中得到认可。
5、Some look to the power balancing of the late 19th century; others to the great power concert that emerged from the Congress of Vienna.───有人期待19世纪末的那种势力均衡;也有人指望维也纳会议 (Congressof Vienna)后诞生的那种强国联盟。
6、The Congress of Vienna became infamous for its reactionary agenda and hostility to democracy.───维也纳议会因议程FanDong、敌视民主而臭名昭著。
7、End of the Congress of Vienna───维也纳会议结束
8、The rule of big countries over small is likely to become extremely conservative, just as with the Congress of Vienna.───大国对小国的统治可能会变得异常保守,如同维也纳议会那样。
9、Nor can we retreat into an Old Multilateralism -a 19th Century Metternichian Congress of Vienna solution-that seeks to resist change.───我们也不能退回到DiZhi变革的“旧多边主义”——十九世纪密特尼奇式维也纳议会的解决方案。
congress of vienna(英语使用场景)
1、Since the Congress of Vienna, a general diplomatic system had provided the accepted channels of international relations.
2、Designated as a protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1815 by the Congress of Vienna after Napoleons defeat, Monacos sovereignty was confirmed by the Franco-Monegasque Treaty of 1861.
3、Congress of Vienna: ( 1814 - 15 ) Assembly that reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic Wars.
congress of vienna(意思翻译)
congress of vienna(相似词语短语)
1、Vienna Hotel───维也纳大酒店
2、committees of congress───国会委员会
3、continental congress───[法] DaLu会议
4、gates of vienna───维也纳之门
5、members of congress───国会议员;美国众议院议员
6、gates of vienna blog───维也纳之门博客
7、the library of congress───国会图书馆
congress of vienna(双语使用场景)
1、The state was recognized by Napoleon in 1797 and by the Congress of Vienna in 1815.───1797年它受到拿破仑的承认,并1815年的维也纳公约中得到认可。
2、rule of big countries over small is likely to become extremely conservative, just as with the Congress of Vienna.───大国对小国的统治可能会变得异常保守,如同维也纳议会那样。
3、1815 - End of the Congress of Vienna: new European political situation is set.───1815年的今天,维也纳会议结束:欧洲新的政治形势得以树立。
4、The state was recognized by Napoleon in 1797 and by the Congress of Vienna in 1815.───拿破仑的承认,并1815年的维也纳公约中得到认可。
5、Some look to the power balancing of the late 19th century; others to the great power concert that emerged from the Congress of Vienna.───有人期待19世纪末的那种势力均衡;也有人指望维也纳会议 (Congressof Vienna)后诞生的那种强国联盟。
6、The Congress of Vienna became infamous for its reactionary agenda and hostility to democracy.───维也纳议会因议程FanDong、敌视民主而臭名昭著。
7、End of the Congress of Vienna───维也纳会议结束
8、The rule of big countries over small is likely to become extremely conservative, just as with the Congress of Vienna.───大国对小国的统治可能会变得异常保守,如同维也纳议会那样。
9、Nor can we retreat into an Old Multilateralism -a 19th Century Metternichian Congress of Vienna solution-that seeks to resist change.───我们也不能退回到DiZhi变革的“旧多边主义”——十九世纪密特尼奇式维也纳议会的解决方案。
congress of vienna(英语使用场景)
1、Since the Congress of Vienna, a general diplomatic system had provided the accepted channels of international relations.
2、Designated as a protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia in 1815 by the Congress of Vienna after Napoleons defeat, Monacos sovereignty was confirmed by the Franco-Monegasque Treaty of 1861.
3、Congress of Vienna: ( 1814 - 15 ) Assembly that reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic Wars.