1、Most people think that they only exist for two reasons: to kill Icelanders and to destroy evil rings.───很多人以为他们的存在只有两个原因:ShaSi冰岛人和摧毁XieE指环。
2、Once, the elder of the two turned around and smiled at me with an evil smile.───有一回,年长的那个回过身来,冲我不怀好意地笑了笑。
3、Beauty's fox suddenly appears and frightened once two evil demons bound, have not thought the road fix to eventually still keep thus skill.───美人狐的突然现身,吓了两位魔兽一跳,没想到路修最终还保留着这样一手。
4、You can choose from two modes: One lets several players fight the evil creatures as a common goal or take up a quest; the second mode lets you fight other players directly.───你可以选择两种方式:一种是几个玩家共同打倒一个怪物,或者开始探索。第二种是直接和其他玩家对战。
5、Rampager: Shortest period of time between destroying two Evil Relics .───最短的时间内摧毁两个XieE之间的文物。
6、Jehu was called by God to wipe out the family of Ahab, including two evil kings (Joram and Ahaziah) and Jezebel.───耶户蒙神呼召灭绝亚哈一家,包括两个XieE的王(约兰和亚哈谢)和耶洗别;
two evil(英语使用场景)
1、As Zhou Yu and Shi Hou set out for Chen, Shi Que sent a letter posthaste to the king of Chen, in which he told him: The State of Wei has fallen into the hands of two evil men.
two evil(意思翻译)
two evil(相似词语短语)
1、evil eyes───n.有些人具有目视他人而使之遭殃的能力;恶毒眼光
2、exorcise evil───驱邪
3、lesser evil───次恶
5、objectively evil───客观上是XieE的
6、evil geniuses───XieE天才
7、chaotic evil───混乱的XieE
8、evil spirit───恶魔;妖精;魅;祟;邪魔;妖精
9、dispel evil───驱除XieE
two evil(双语使用场景)
1、Most people think that they only exist for two reasons: to kill Icelanders and to destroy evil rings.───很多人以为他们的存在只有两个原因:ShaSi冰岛人和摧毁XieE指环。
2、Once, the elder of the two turned around and smiled at me with an evil smile.───有一回,年长的那个回过身来,冲我不怀好意地笑了笑。
3、Beauty's fox suddenly appears and frightened once two evil demons bound, have not thought the road fix to eventually still keep thus skill.───美人狐的突然现身,吓了两位魔兽一跳,没想到路修最终还保留着这样一手。
4、You can choose from two modes: One lets several players fight the evil creatures as a common goal or take up a quest; the second mode lets you fight other players directly.───你可以选择两种方式:一种是几个玩家共同打倒一个怪物,或者开始探索。第二种是直接和其他玩家对战。
5、Rampager: Shortest period of time between destroying two Evil Relics .───最短的时间内摧毁两个XieE之间的文物。
6、Jehu was called by God to wipe out the family of Ahab, including two evil kings (Joram and Ahaziah) and Jezebel.───耶户蒙神呼召灭绝亚哈一家,包括两个XieE的王(约兰和亚哈谢)和耶洗别;
two evil(英语使用场景)
1、As Zhou Yu and Shi Hou set out for Chen, Shi Que sent a letter posthaste to the king of Chen, in which he told him: The State of Wei has fallen into the hands of two evil men.