1、It was only a narrow escape from death for him in these miseries.───我的确很幸运。并不是很多人可以像我这样九死一生。
2、Not many people survive such a narrow escape from death.───并不是很多人可以像我这样九死一生。
3、This narrow escape from death must be attributed to the fact that my name was accidentally left out of the Life Book in hell.───这次死里逃生,可能是因为生死簿上漏掉了我的名字吧。
4、B: I really am lucky. Not many people survive such a narrow escape from death.───我的确很幸运。并不是很多人可以像我这样九死一生。
5、A narrow escape from death drew Huang Kui's reflection on questions such as self "uncertainty" and living probability.───一次死里逃生的意外,令黄奎对于自我的“不确定性”与生存概率等问题得以更深入的思索探寻。
6、It was only a narrow escape from death for him in these miseries.───他在这些磨难中九死一生。
7、He had a narrow escape from death.───他在千钧一发之际免于一死。
narrow escape from death(意思翻译)
narrow escape from death(相似词语短语)
1、a narrow escape───九死一生
2、escape from───vt.逃脱;逃避; 逃出; 从…漏出; 发出
3、escape from tarkov───逃离塔尔科夫
4、cube escape───立方体转义
6、audible escape───可听逃生
7、narrow path───窄道;狭窄的小路
9、narrow down───(使)变窄, (使)减少, (使)缩小;缩小;限制;减少;变窄
narrow escape from death(双语使用场景)
1、It was only a narrow escape from death for him in these miseries.───我的确很幸运。并不是很多人可以像我这样九死一生。
2、Not many people survive such a narrow escape from death.───并不是很多人可以像我这样九死一生。
3、This narrow escape from death must be attributed to the fact that my name was accidentally left out of the Life Book in hell.───这次死里逃生,可能是因为生死簿上漏掉了我的名字吧。
4、B: I really am lucky. Not many people survive such a narrow escape from death.───我的确很幸运。并不是很多人可以像我这样九死一生。
5、A narrow escape from death drew Huang Kui's reflection on questions such as self "uncertainty" and living probability.───一次死里逃生的意外,令黄奎对于自我的“不确定性”与生存概率等问题得以更深入的思索探寻。
6、It was only a narrow escape from death for him in these miseries.───他在这些磨难中九死一生。
7、He had a narrow escape from death.───他在千钧一发之际免于一死。
narrow escape from death(英语使用场景)
1、I had a narrow escape from death.
2、He was shaken by his narrow escape from death.
3、They had a narrow escape from death.