1、Firstly it was great to see him get a goal on his debut. It was the icing on the cake of a superb match in Houston.───首先很高兴看到他处子秀就进球了,这让休斯顿的比赛更完美。
2、The pursuit of the company: the icing on the cake of your products, increase your brand awareness!───公司追求:使你的商品锦上添花,更提高您的品牌知名度!
3、His girlfriend broke up with him. The icing on the cake was that he saw her arm-in-arm on the street.───他女朋友甩了他,最精彩的是他在街上看到她和别人手挽手。
4、to do things in a more flexible, to achieve seamless, properly the realm of advance and retreat, to help you in life icing on the cake.───把事做得更加灵活,达成天衣无缝、进退得宜的境界,助你人生锦上添花。
5、Such a business card printing and membership card must be produced, arranged, a strong sense of camaraderie and icing on the cake.───这样的制卡和会员卡制息品,必定是条理分明、浓密颓丧、立体感不弱的画面。
6、The icing on the cake is adding a link for the feed to the header.───接下来再来个锦上添花,将该 feed 的链接添加到头部。
7、Qualifying was my only goal, so winning is icing on the cake.───取得资格是我惟一的目标,因此获胜便是锦上添花。
8、The fact that they were running this environment in a cloud was just icing on the cake!───而此环境在云上运行的这个事实则是锦上添花!
9、above and beyond that as icing on the cake.───那以上的都是蛋糕上的糖衣。
icing on the cake(英语使用场景)
1、Items such as these are the icing on the cake.
2、A year ago, Holiday Inn put the icing on the cake at two of its Florida properties.
3、We pay him to put icing on the cake, and tie him to us.
4、The background is icing on the cake.
5、The icing on the cake would be being able to reunite people with property they've had stolen.
6、And just to put the icing on the cake he has named it Black Forest Chateau.
icing on the cake(意思翻译)
icing on the cake(相似词语短语)
1、fondant icing───糖霜
2、cake cake───蛋糕
3、shortening icing───缩短结冰时间
4、confectioner icing───糖衣
5、the cake is on a───蛋糕放在桌子上
6、the cake───蛋糕
7、on the cake───在蛋糕上
8、drizzle icing───小雨结冰
icing on the cake(双语使用场景)
1、Firstly it was great to see him get a goal on his debut. It was the icing on the cake of a superb match in Houston.───首先很高兴看到他处子秀就进球了,这让休斯顿的比赛更完美。
2、The pursuit of the company: the icing on the cake of your products, increase your brand awareness!───公司追求:使你的商品锦上添花,更提高您的品牌知名度!
3、His girlfriend broke up with him. The icing on the cake was that he saw her arm-in-arm on the street.───他女朋友甩了他,最精彩的是他在街上看到她和别人手挽手。
4、to do things in a more flexible, to achieve seamless, properly the realm of advance and retreat, to help you in life icing on the cake.───把事做得更加灵活,达成天衣无缝、进退得宜的境界,助你人生锦上添花。
5、Such a business card printing and membership card must be produced, arranged, a strong sense of camaraderie and icing on the cake.───这样的制卡和会员卡制息品,必定是条理分明、浓密颓丧、立体感不弱的画面。
6、The icing on the cake is adding a link for the feed to the header.───接下来再来个锦上添花,将该 feed 的链接添加到头部。
7、Qualifying was my only goal, so winning is icing on the cake.───取得资格是我惟一的目标,因此获胜便是锦上添花。
8、The fact that they were running this environment in a cloud was just icing on the cake!───而此环境在云上运行的这个事实则是锦上添花!
9、above and beyond that as icing on the cake.───那以上的都是蛋糕上的糖衣。
icing on the cake(英语使用场景)
1、Items such as these are the icing on the cake.
2、A year ago, Holiday Inn put the icing on the cake at two of its Florida properties.
3、We pay him to put icing on the cake, and tie him to us.
4、The background is icing on the cake.
5、The icing on the cake would be being able to reunite people with property they've had stolen.
6、And just to put the icing on the cake he has named it Black Forest Chateau.
7、It's an added bonus-the icing on the cake.
8、This is just the icing on the cake.
9、The third goal was the icing on the cake.