1、The health device has the advantages of reasonable project organization, convenient installation, operation and maintenance, and clean and sterile produced oxygen-enriched air.───本保健器设计结构合理,安装、Cao作及维修方便,所产生的富氧空气清洁无菌。
2、design, we should think of the factors, such as the supply of oxygen, the service area and installation methods.───设计选型时,宜考虑其供氧量、服务面积和安装方式等因素。
oxygen installation(意思翻译)
oxygen installation(相似词语短语)
2、supplemental oxygen───[医]补充供氧,辅助供氧
3、gutters installation───排水沟安装
4、oxygen deficit───缺氧
5、oxygen mask───n.(供人吸氧时用的)氧气面罩;n.氧气面罩
6、art installation───艺术设施
7、finalising installation───最终安装
9、exchanges oxygen───交换氧气
oxygen installation(双语使用场景)
1、The health device has the advantages of reasonable project organization, convenient installation, operation and maintenance, and clean and sterile produced oxygen-enriched air.───本保健器设计结构合理,安装、Cao作及维修方便,所产生的富氧空气清洁无菌。
2、design, we should think of the factors, such as the supply of oxygen, the service area and installation methods.───设计选型时,宜考虑其供氧量、服务面积和安装方式等因素。