the car is upside down(意思翻译)
the car is upside down(相似词语短语)
1、hanging upside down───倒挂
2、upside down cake───上下颠倒的蛋糕
3、turn upside down───v.完全颠倒; 翻覆; 倒腾; 上下颠倒;v.完全颠倒;倒置
4、tumbled upside down───翻了个底朝天
5、pineapple upside-down cake───菠萝倒饼
6、upside down───adv.倒置地;adj.颠倒的;颠倒;倒转;翻转
7、the car is───这辆车很漂亮
8、turned upside down───颠覆的
the car is upside down(双语使用场景)
1、by car artist Tom Kennedy, the Topsy-Turvy Bus (Topsy) is a bus made of two school buses welded together, one upside down on top of the other.───由汽车艺术家汤姆·肯尼迪设计,这辆名为Topsy-Turvy Bus 是一辆由两辆连接在一起的校车构成,一辆头朝下的连在别一辆的顶上。
the car is upside down(意思翻译)
the car is upside down(相似词语短语)
1、hanging upside down───倒挂
2、upside down cake───上下颠倒的蛋糕
3、turn upside down───v.完全颠倒; 翻覆; 倒腾; 上下颠倒;v.完全颠倒;倒置
4、tumbled upside down───翻了个底朝天
5、pineapple upside-down cake───菠萝倒饼
6、upside down───adv.倒置地;adj.颠倒的;颠倒;倒转;翻转
7、the car is───这辆车很漂亮
8、turned upside down───颠覆的
the car is upside down(双语使用场景)
1、by car artist Tom Kennedy, the Topsy-Turvy Bus (Topsy) is a bus made of two school buses welded together, one upside down on top of the other.───由汽车艺术家汤姆·肯尼迪设计,这辆名为Topsy-Turvy Bus 是一辆由两辆连接在一起的校车构成,一辆头朝下的连在别一辆的顶上。