1、because that the technology not only avoids the drawbacks in chemical synthesis of secondary plant metabolites but also surmounts the deficiency in cultivation of intact plant.───因为它不仅克服了次级代谢物化学合成的缺点而且也克服了植物人工栽培中的不足。
2、Male hypogonadism is a group of syndromes in clinic andrology characterized by complete or partial androgen deficiency. It can be divided into primary and secondary hypogonadism.───男性性腺功能低减在男科临床常见,分为原发性和继发性两类,共同之处都在于雄激素不足。
3、Secondary hypoadrenalism, or ACTH deficiency hypoadrenalism, is caused by diseases of the pituitary gland, which lead to adrenal failure as a secondary effect.───二级肾上腺功能减退,或者称为促肾上腺皮质激素缺乏,是由于脑垂体的疾病引起的,导致肾上腺疾病是其副效应。
secondary deficiency(意思翻译)
secondary deficiency(相似词语短语)
1、deficiency notice───缺陷通知单
2、protein deficiency───蛋白质缺乏,蛋白质缺乏病
3、secondary consumer───次级消费者
4、immune deficiency───免疫缺陷
5、secondary education───中等教育
6、secondary color───次生色;n.合成色,间色;二次色
8、deficiency definition───缺陷定义
secondary deficiency(双语使用场景)
1、because that the technology not only avoids the drawbacks in chemical synthesis of secondary plant metabolites but also surmounts the deficiency in cultivation of intact plant.───因为它不仅克服了次级代谢物化学合成的缺点而且也克服了植物人工栽培中的不足。
2、Male hypogonadism is a group of syndromes in clinic andrology characterized by complete or partial androgen deficiency. It can be divided into primary and secondary hypogonadism.───男性性腺功能低减在男科临床常见,分为原发性和继发性两类,共同之处都在于雄激素不足。
3、Secondary hypoadrenalism, or ACTH deficiency hypoadrenalism, is caused by diseases of the pituitary gland, which lead to adrenal failure as a secondary effect.───二级肾上腺功能减退,或者称为促肾上腺皮质激素缺乏,是由于脑垂体的疾病引起的,导致肾上腺疾病是其副效应。