1、Petya tip- toed , pushed, and pinched, but he could see nothing but the crowd around him.───彼佳踮起脚尖,被人推挤,但是除了周围的人群,他什么也看不见。
2、The other kids and the teachers, too, would crowd around and ask ten million questions.───其他的孩子,还有老师们都围过来,问出成千上万的问题。
3、Esmeralda danced faster and faster, and the eyes of one face in the crowd around Gringoire were fixed on her with a strange look.───爱斯梅拉达越舞越快,在格兰瓜尔旁边的人群中有一张脸,那两只眼睛用一种异样的目光死死地盯住她。
4、The students crowd around the teachers to ask questions.───学生们围挤着老师提问。
5、Several children crowd around the open space in a more spacious play Rock Paper Scissors, chips are firmly in the hands of the paper.───有几个孩子围成一堆,在一片较为宽敞的空地上玩剪刀石头布,ChouMa是紧握在手中的纸片。
6、Each and every one of us has the right to strive for his place in Paradise and to be amongst those who crowd around its gates.───我们中的每个人都有权利去为自己在天堂中的位置而奋斗,成为拥挤在天堂之门人群中的一员。
7、"Lisa? " Rick said, figuring he would be safer with a crowd around him.───“丽莎?”瑞克问道,认为身边有人支持的话会更妥当。
8、Don't crowd around him.───不要挤在他周围。
9、If one child bought a sugar figure, many other children would crowd around and admire it.───如果一个孩子买了一个糖人,许多其他的孩子会围在一起欣赏它。
crowd around(英语使用场景)
1、Adolescent fans crowd around him, begging for autographs as if he were a rock star.
2、He soon gathered a crowd around him.
3、Mail call. Men crowd around as names are called out. Red and the boys are parked on the bleachers .
4、Few of all the noisy crowd around knew of the change that had taken place.
5、They crowd around me and their eyes drip blood.
6、Two minutes later, there is no way to skirt the throbbing crowd around him.
7、The crowd around the bench began to melt away.
8、Drinks in hand, the crowd around me erupted with groans of exasperation, the kind usually reserved for terrible puns.
9、There was already a small crowd around the screaming child.
crowd around(意思翻译)
crowd around(相似词语短语)
1、maddening crowd───疯狂的人群
2、crowd with───以…充[挤]满; 用…催逼
3、jostled crowd───拥挤的人群
4、crowd out───vt.挤出;推开;(将…)拥[挤]出; 将…排挤出
5、unsavory crowd───讨厌的人群
6、the crowd───人群
7、crowd control───[计]拥挤控制;拥挤控制,人群管理;群控技能,群体控制 (C C)
9、crowd in───(使)拥[挤]入; 在时间表中挤进,强安排进;使拥挤入;把…挤走
crowd around(双语使用场景)
1、Petya tip- toed , pushed, and pinched, but he could see nothing but the crowd around him.───彼佳踮起脚尖,被人推挤,但是除了周围的人群,他什么也看不见。
2、The other kids and the teachers, too, would crowd around and ask ten million questions.───其他的孩子,还有老师们都围过来,问出成千上万的问题。
3、Esmeralda danced faster and faster, and the eyes of one face in the crowd around Gringoire were fixed on her with a strange look.───爱斯梅拉达越舞越快,在格兰瓜尔旁边的人群中有一张脸,那两只眼睛用一种异样的目光死死地盯住她。
4、The students crowd around the teachers to ask questions.───学生们围挤着老师提问。
5、Several children crowd around the open space in a more spacious play Rock Paper Scissors, chips are firmly in the hands of the paper.───有几个孩子围成一堆,在一片较为宽敞的空地上玩剪刀石头布,ChouMa是紧握在手中的纸片。
6、Each and every one of us has the right to strive for his place in Paradise and to be amongst those who crowd around its gates.───我们中的每个人都有权利去为自己在天堂中的位置而奋斗,成为拥挤在天堂之门人群中的一员。
7、"Lisa? " Rick said, figuring he would be safer with a crowd around him.───“丽莎?”瑞克问道,认为身边有人支持的话会更妥当。
8、Don't crowd around him.───不要挤在他周围。
9、If one child bought a sugar figure, many other children would crowd around and admire it.───如果一个孩子买了一个糖人,许多其他的孩子会围在一起欣赏它。
crowd around(英语使用场景)
1、Adolescent fans crowd around him, begging for autographs as if he were a rock star.
2、He soon gathered a crowd around him.
3、Mail call. Men crowd around as names are called out. Red and the boys are parked on the bleachers .
4、Few of all the noisy crowd around knew of the change that had taken place.
5、They crowd around me and their eyes drip blood.
6、Two minutes later, there is no way to skirt the throbbing crowd around him.
7、The crowd around the bench began to melt away.
8、Drinks in hand, the crowd around me erupted with groans of exasperation, the kind usually reserved for terrible puns.
9、There was already a small crowd around the screaming child.