9、abide with me───n.与我同在(小说名称); 求主同住(歌曲名);n.与我同在(小说名称);求主同住(歌曲名)
line with me(双语使用场景)
1、He s never lined up on the line with me.───他从没和我站在同一阵线。
2、I wrote a poem, it is in line with me, and I look forward to someone can read it.───我写过一首诗,很符合我,我期待有人能看懂它。
3、An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada—get this—We have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else.───在加拿大打球时,一位 NBA 球员曾经低声轻笑,带着难以置信的神情跟我说:“我们必须和其他人一样在海关排队等候。”
4、It's a good thing you aren't here in line with me, cause I'm actually starting to cry right now, just thinking about it.───还好你没跟我在一起,因为想起了这事儿以后,我当下这会儿又哭了。
line with me(意思翻译)
line with me(相似词语短语)
1、line line───线条线条
2、train with me───和我一起训练
3、give me line───给我电话
4、line with───布满; 给…加…;按照,与……一致;沿着…排列
5、come into line with───与…一致
6、line up with───与…对齐
7、move with me───跟我走
8、in line with───符合;与…一致;跟…一致,符合; 本着
9、abide with me───n.与我同在(小说名称); 求主同住(歌曲名);n.与我同在(小说名称);求主同住(歌曲名)
line with me(双语使用场景)
1、He s never lined up on the line with me.───他从没和我站在同一阵线。
2、I wrote a poem, it is in line with me, and I look forward to someone can read it.───我写过一首诗,很符合我,我期待有人能看懂它。
3、An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada—get this—We have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else.───在加拿大打球时,一位 NBA 球员曾经低声轻笑,带着难以置信的神情跟我说:“我们必须和其他人一样在海关排队等候。”
4、It's a good thing you aren't here in line with me, cause I'm actually starting to cry right now, just thinking about it.───还好你没跟我在一起,因为想起了这事儿以后,我当下这会儿又哭了。
5、Don't take that line with me.───不要对我采取那种方式。
line with me(英语使用场景)
1、Don't take that line with me.