1、It's television that's often credited with turning the realities of combat into images powerful enough to remould public attitudes.───如果说电视节目常常是将实际的战斗场面转换成一幅幅充满视觉冲击力的图片来树立公众对战争的态度,那么记录更加真实详尽的电影的影响力较之尤为深远。
2、Firstly, television is watched by babies, partly because parents park them in front of it and partly because even babies perceive a need for t.v. to combat boredom.───首先,婴儿看电视的部分原因是父母将他们放在电视机前。
combat television(意思翻译)
combat television(相似词语短语)
1、combat calc───战斗计算
3、television shows───电视节目
4、cable television───电缆电视,[电视]有线电视;n.有线电视,电缆电视
5、television program───电视节目;电视广播节目
6、combat boot───n.(中筒)军靴
7、in television───在电视上
8、combat knife───战斗刀
9、interactive television───n.交互式电视
combat television(双语使用场景)
1、It's television that's often credited with turning the realities of combat into images powerful enough to remould public attitudes.───如果说电视节目常常是将实际的战斗场面转换成一幅幅充满视觉冲击力的图片来树立公众对战争的态度,那么记录更加真实详尽的电影的影响力较之尤为深远。
2、Firstly, television is watched by babies, partly because parents park them in front of it and partly because even babies perceive a need for t.v. to combat boredom.───首先,婴儿看电视的部分原因是父母将他们放在电视机前。