1、Soon afterward, however, a full-fledged financial panic began.───但是,很快地,一场全面的金融恐慌开始了。
2、Psychiatrists and psychologists have either ignored this experience, maximised its significance as a full-scale breakdown, or minimised it as a panic disorder. ───精神病专家和心理学家都忽视了这经验,要么夸大它的重要性,把它当作一种全面的“崩溃”;
3、message from Governor Mangku Pastika urges people not to panic, but to put their security system to full alert.───巴斯蒂卡要求人们不要惊慌,但是要保持全面戒备。
panic full(意思翻译)
panic full(相似词语短语)
1、my panic───我的恐慌
2、donot panic───不要惊慌
3、panic alarm───紧急警报
5、in panic───惊慌的;惊慌地
7、sturdy panic───强烈的恐慌
8、panic disorder───惊恐性障碍,恐慌症;[医]惊恐性障碍,急性焦虑症
9、panic button───应急按钮;[电]应急开关;紧急保险按钮
panic full(双语使用场景)
1、Soon afterward, however, a full-fledged financial panic began.───但是,很快地,一场全面的金融恐慌开始了。
2、Psychiatrists and psychologists have either ignored this experience, maximised its significance as a full-scale breakdown, or minimised it as a panic disorder. ───精神病专家和心理学家都忽视了这经验,要么夸大它的重要性,把它当作一种全面的“崩溃”;
3、message from Governor Mangku Pastika urges people not to panic, but to put their security system to full alert.───巴斯蒂卡要求人们不要惊慌,但是要保持全面戒备。