1、objects don't get put back together, One possibility, of course, is simply to disagree with me about the facts.───物体不能再复原了“,一种可能性,当然,是简单地不同意我对于这些事实的观点。
2、Before we get started on our tour of useful extensions, let me step back and give a few words of caution.───在我们开始巡游我们有用的扩展之前,让我退后一步,并给予几句话作为警告。
3、Instead of helping me get it out, my boyfriend leaned back and said, it got to second base faster than I did.───没有帮我把它抓出来,反而向后一靠说:“它上二垒比我快多了”。
get of me back(意思翻译)
get of me back(相似词语短语)
1、get me───打垮我
2、get back in───回来
3、get back at───<俚>实行报复;报复(某人)
4、get of me───放开我
5、in back of me───在我背后
6、get out of me───离我远点
7、back me───支持我
8、Get back───回来; 找回; 报复; 回到…上来;回来;恢复;取回;报复;重新上台
9、get you back───带你回去
get of me back(双语使用场景)
1、objects don't get put back together, One possibility, of course, is simply to disagree with me about the facts.───物体不能再复原了“,一种可能性,当然,是简单地不同意我对于这些事实的观点。
2、Before we get started on our tour of useful extensions, let me step back and give a few words of caution.───在我们开始巡游我们有用的扩展之前,让我退后一步,并给予几句话作为警告。
3、Instead of helping me get it out, my boyfriend leaned back and said, it got to second base faster than I did.───没有帮我把它抓出来,反而向后一靠说:“它上二垒比我快多了”。