1、As a new mean of analytical method, biosensor could be widely used in the determination of food contamination.───生物传感器作为一种新的分析工具,在食品污染检测中具有广泛应用价值。
2、It is fast, simple, accurate, may become the analytical method for the missible oil quality standard.───它的快速,简单,准确,可能成为乳油质量标准的分析方法。
3、Complete records should be maintained of any modification of a validated analytical method.───对于已验证分析方法的任何修改均有完整的记录。
4、Determine the specificity and sensitivity of the analytical method used to detect residuals or contaminants.───应该确定用来检测残留物或污染物的分析方法的特征和灵敏度。
5、An improved analytical method which is able to calculate eddy losses of transformer tanks as well as structured objects is proposed.───本文提出了一种改进的解析法,用来计算变压器油箱等结构件中由漏磁场引起的涡流损耗。
6、The contingent claims analytical method as an all new one can overcome the defects of discount cash flow method in a few aspects.───或有要求权的分析方法作为一种全新的方法可以克服折现现金流的方法在某些方面的不足。
7、This analytical method can be used for reference in the vibration test of similar rotary mechanism.───该方法对其他大型旋转机械的振动测试具有一定的参考价值。
8、Responsible for analytical method development and validation.───负责分析方法的开发和验证。
9、main research way is the analytical method of Game Theory.───研究方法主要是博弈论中的博弈分析方法。
analytical method(英语使用场景)
1、Objective To establish the analytical method of strychnine and brucine in Gukang tablet by TLC.
2、A sensitive analytical method of bromophenol - like marine flavors has been established using capillary gas chromatography - mass spectrometry.
3、A fundamentally different analytical method is to use the concept of bibliographical coupling to construct clusters of co-citing journals.
4、The analytical method used is proved effective for the modelling and program analysis of the kinematics of joint transmmition in multibody mechanical systems.
5、The accuracy of an analytical method is the closeness of test results obtained by that method to the true value or the reference value. Accuracy is often expressed as percent recovery value.
6、An analytical method for the simultaneous determination of 12 amide herbicide residues in soybeans.
7、Nevertheless, not withstanding the adoption of an analytical method, the dominant tradition is both anti-rationalist and anti-formalist in conception.
8、In another analytical method, neutron activation, an atomic reactor is used to bombard the mineral with fast-moving neutrons.
9、By the analytical method, he abstracted firstly the pure moral phenomena and principle from the common tangly moral understanding in order to lay a foundation to the real moral philosophy.
analytical method(意思翻译)
analytical method(相似词语短语)
1、analytical engine───解析机,分析机(早期的机械通用计算机);分析机;解析机;分析引擎
3、analytical data───[计]分析数据
4、analytical chemistry───n.分析化学;[分化]分析化学
5、analytical methods───[医]分析法;分析法,分析方法(analyticalmethod的复数形式)
6、analytical procedure───[计]分析方法[步骤];分析性程序
7、analytical techniques───分析技术,分析技术方法
9、analytical thinking───分析思维
analytical method(双语使用场景)
1、As a new mean of analytical method, biosensor could be widely used in the determination of food contamination.───生物传感器作为一种新的分析工具,在食品污染检测中具有广泛应用价值。
2、It is fast, simple, accurate, may become the analytical method for the missible oil quality standard.───它的快速,简单,准确,可能成为乳油质量标准的分析方法。
3、Complete records should be maintained of any modification of a validated analytical method.───对于已验证分析方法的任何修改均有完整的记录。
4、Determine the specificity and sensitivity of the analytical method used to detect residuals or contaminants.───应该确定用来检测残留物或污染物的分析方法的特征和灵敏度。
5、An improved analytical method which is able to calculate eddy losses of transformer tanks as well as structured objects is proposed.───本文提出了一种改进的解析法,用来计算变压器油箱等结构件中由漏磁场引起的涡流损耗。
6、The contingent claims analytical method as an all new one can overcome the defects of discount cash flow method in a few aspects.───或有要求权的分析方法作为一种全新的方法可以克服折现现金流的方法在某些方面的不足。
7、This analytical method can be used for reference in the vibration test of similar rotary mechanism.───该方法对其他大型旋转机械的振动测试具有一定的参考价值。
8、Responsible for analytical method development and validation.───负责分析方法的开发和验证。
9、main research way is the analytical method of Game Theory.───研究方法主要是博弈论中的博弈分析方法。
analytical method(英语使用场景)
1、Objective To establish the analytical method of strychnine and brucine in Gukang tablet by TLC.
2、A sensitive analytical method of bromophenol - like marine flavors has been established using capillary gas chromatography - mass spectrometry.
3、A fundamentally different analytical method is to use the concept of bibliographical coupling to construct clusters of co-citing journals.
4、The analytical method used is proved effective for the modelling and program analysis of the kinematics of joint transmmition in multibody mechanical systems.
5、The accuracy of an analytical method is the closeness of test results obtained by that method to the true value or the reference value. Accuracy is often expressed as percent recovery value.
6、An analytical method for the simultaneous determination of 12 amide herbicide residues in soybeans.
7、Nevertheless, not withstanding the adoption of an analytical method, the dominant tradition is both anti-rationalist and anti-formalist in conception.
8、In another analytical method, neutron activation, an atomic reactor is used to bombard the mineral with fast-moving neutrons.
9、By the analytical method, he abstracted firstly the pure moral phenomena and principle from the common tangly moral understanding in order to lay a foundation to the real moral philosophy.