1、Guided by your finger movements, your sheep dogs will shepherd the sheep into pens before their individual or flock timers run out, but only if you can get the feisty RAMS under control.───用您的手指运动的指导下,你的羊狗牧羊人的羊群笔之前,他们的个人或一群定时器运行,但只有当你可以控制,好斗的公羊。
2、I blew it up and ran into the living room, my finger where it shouldn't have been, I was waving this buzzing sheep around, and my mother looked like she was going to die of shock.───我吹好气,跑进客厅, 我的手指放到了不应该放的地方, 我把这只羊到处晃来晃去, 我妈当时看起来要被我雷死了。
sheep finger(意思翻译)
sheep finger(相似词语短语)
1、romney sheep───罗姆尼羊
2、finger painting───n.<美>手指画法,用手指画的画;用手指画的画;手指画法
3、sixteen sheep───十六只羊
5、finger hurts───手指受伤
7、sheep pen───羊舍;n.羊圈
8、k sheep───k羊
9、sister finger───手指修女
sheep finger(双语使用场景)
1、Guided by your finger movements, your sheep dogs will shepherd the sheep into pens before their individual or flock timers run out, but only if you can get the feisty RAMS under control.───用您的手指运动的指导下,你的羊狗牧羊人的羊群笔之前,他们的个人或一群定时器运行,但只有当你可以控制,好斗的公羊。
2、I blew it up and ran into the living room, my finger where it shouldn't have been, I was waving this buzzing sheep around, and my mother looked like she was going to die of shock.───我吹好气,跑进客厅, 我的手指放到了不应该放的地方, 我把这只羊到处晃来晃去, 我妈当时看起来要被我雷死了。