1、Western Union Business Solutions is proud to present our online foreign exchange services powered by Custom House.───西联汇款商业解决方案在网上很盛行由海关技术支持的外汇服务。
2、Bank of China began online foreign-exchange services for individuals in February, claiming it's the first bank in China qualified to do so.───中国银行 (Bankof China)2月份开始提供个人网上外汇服务,并称它是中国第一家获得相关资质的银行。
3、We provide our customers with services of foreign currency exchange, customs declaration, shipping and insurance.───我们为顾客提供外汇兑换、报关、托运、保险等服务项目。
4、They offer consulting, market research, advertising, insurance, product research and design, warehousing, and foreign exchange services to interested companies.───它们为感兴趣的公司提供咨询、市场调查、广告、保险、产品研究和设计、仓储以及外汇服务。
5、If you need foreign exchange services, please go directly to Window 1. No queue number is necessary.───兑换外币业务不用拿号,直接去1号柜台排队就可以办理。
6、financial services sector also grew strongly, supported by increased foreign exchange trading and domestic bank lending activities.───部门负责人说,“金融服务业也大大增长,这与增长的外汇交易和国内银行借贷活动的扶持分不开。”
foreign exchange services(意思翻译)
foreign exchange services(相似词语短语)
2、foreign time───外国时间
3、educational exchange───教育(人员)交流;教育交流
5、parchment exchange───羊皮纸交换
6、foreign visitors───外国游客;外国客户
8、opportunities exchange shared services───机会交换共享服务
9、foreign exchange rates───[金融]外汇汇率
foreign exchange services(双语使用场景)
1、Western Union Business Solutions is proud to present our online foreign exchange services powered by Custom House.───西联汇款商业解决方案在网上很盛行由海关技术支持的外汇服务。
2、Bank of China began online foreign-exchange services for individuals in February, claiming it's the first bank in China qualified to do so.───中国银行 (Bankof China)2月份开始提供个人网上外汇服务,并称它是中国第一家获得相关资质的银行。
3、We provide our customers with services of foreign currency exchange, customs declaration, shipping and insurance.───我们为顾客提供外汇兑换、报关、托运、保险等服务项目。
4、They offer consulting, market research, advertising, insurance, product research and design, warehousing, and foreign exchange services to interested companies.───它们为感兴趣的公司提供咨询、市场调查、广告、保险、产品研究和设计、仓储以及外汇服务。
5、If you need foreign exchange services, please go directly to Window 1. No queue number is necessary.───兑换外币业务不用拿号,直接去1号柜台排队就可以办理。
6、financial services sector also grew strongly, supported by increased foreign exchange trading and domestic bank lending activities.───部门负责人说,“金融服务业也大大增长,这与增长的外汇交易和国内银行借贷活动的扶持分不开。”