1、The modified product was analyzed by FT-IR and GPC, and softening point, solubility in solvent and n-heptane tolerance were also studied.───对改性产品进行了GPC、FT-IR的表征分析及其软化点、庚烷容纳度和溶剂溶解性能等的研究。
2、Both engines deliver 335 horsepower and 500 N. m (370 lb-ft) of torque - a total of 670 hp and 1000 N. m (740 lb-ft) of torque.───两款发动机提供335马力和500牛顿米(370磅英尺)的扭矩-共670马力和1000牛米(740磅英尺)的扭矩。
n ft(意思翻译)
n ft(相似词语短语)
1、ft tv───ft电视
2、mt ft───mt英尺
3、idols ft───偶像ft
4、SH FT───上海金融时报
5、ft freddy───弗雷迪ft
6、ft───abbr.金融时报 (Financial Times);飞行试验 (Flight Test);机能试验 (Functional Test)
7、ft benning───本宁堡
8、obscuration %/ft───遮蔽%/ft
9、unaccommodating ft───不协调ft
n ft(双语使用场景)
1、The modified product was analyzed by FT-IR and GPC, and softening point, solubility in solvent and n-heptane tolerance were also studied.───对改性产品进行了GPC、FT-IR的表征分析及其软化点、庚烷容纳度和溶剂溶解性能等的研究。
2、Both engines deliver 335 horsepower and 500 N. m (370 lb-ft) of torque - a total of 670 hp and 1000 N. m (740 lb-ft) of torque.───两款发动机提供335马力和500牛顿米(370磅英尺)的扭矩-共670马力和1000牛米(740磅英尺)的扭矩。