1、Leakage losses is the liquid from the high voltage at low drain back to the premises caused by power loss.───泄漏损失是指液体从高压处漏回低压处所造成的功率损失。
2、A condenser internal channels, including # 1, # 2, Low Drain pipes, air extraction pipes, and steam extraction pipe.───A凝汽器内部管道包括#1、#2低加疏水管、空气抽取管以及抽汽管道等。
3、Perfect for all high and low drain devices and especially ideal for digital cameras too.───极其适合高低排水装置,对于数码相机尤其理想。此款电池与多种充电器和设备兼容。
4、Large patios should have integral drains or proper slope design that will carry water to a low point drain.───大院子应该有不可分割的排水渠或斜坡进行适当的设计,将进行水低谷流失。
5、Equipment containing water can be deteriorated by inside freezing. Insulation and automatic drain conditions must be checked before the arrival of low temperatures.───含水的设备可能会由于设备里的冰而受损。在气温降低之前,必须对保温和自动排水的情况进行检查。
low drain(意思翻译)
low drain(相似词语短语)
1、low───vi.牛叫;adv.低声地;谦卑地,低下地;n. (Low)(英、德)洛(人名);n.低;低价;低点;牛叫声;adj.低的,浅的;卑贱的;粗俗的;消沉的
2、cogged drain───齿槽排水沟
3、tub drain───排水管
5、condensate drain───冷凝排水
6、drain on───排水管上
7、drain plug───排污螺塞,放油塞
8、drain out───(使)流出; 流失; 失掉; 停止;排出;终止
9、flashboard drain───闸板排水管
low drain(双语使用场景)
1、Leakage losses is the liquid from the high voltage at low drain back to the premises caused by power loss.───泄漏损失是指液体从高压处漏回低压处所造成的功率损失。
2、A condenser internal channels, including # 1, # 2, Low Drain pipes, air extraction pipes, and steam extraction pipe.───A凝汽器内部管道包括#1、#2低加疏水管、空气抽取管以及抽汽管道等。
3、Perfect for all high and low drain devices and especially ideal for digital cameras too.───极其适合高低排水装置,对于数码相机尤其理想。此款电池与多种充电器和设备兼容。
4、Large patios should have integral drains or proper slope design that will carry water to a low point drain.───大院子应该有不可分割的排水渠或斜坡进行适当的设计,将进行水低谷流失。
5、Equipment containing water can be deteriorated by inside freezing. Insulation and automatic drain conditions must be checked before the arrival of low temperatures.───含水的设备可能会由于设备里的冰而受损。在气温降低之前,必须对保温和自动排水的情况进行检查。