1、Whether or not an adult show symptoms later and stored in the subconscious of bad quality and quantity of stimulus-related.───成年以后是否表现出症状,与潜意识中储存的不良刺激的质与量有关。
2、There are biologists throughout the state constantly monitoring adult fish as they show up to spawn.───整个州都有生物学家在成年鱼出来产卵的时候持续监测着它们。
adult show(意思翻译)
adult show(相似词语短语)
1、adult book───成人读物
2、adult newspaper───成人报纸
3、queen adult───成年皇后
4、adult tricycle───成人三轮车
5、adult video───成人影片
6、by adult───按成人
7、show show show───秀秀秀
8、adult teeth───[医]恒牙
adult show(双语使用场景)
1、Whether or not an adult show symptoms later and stored in the subconscious of bad quality and quantity of stimulus-related.───成年以后是否表现出症状,与潜意识中储存的不良刺激的质与量有关。
2、There are biologists throughout the state constantly monitoring adult fish as they show up to spawn.───整个州都有生物学家在成年鱼出来产卵的时候持续监测着它们。