1、The little boy washes his face every morning .───那小男孩每天早上洗脸。
2、He gets up at eight o 'clock and washes his face.───他八点起床并且洗他的脸。
3、He brushes his teeth twice a day. He washes his face twice a day, too. He combs his hair once a day.───他一天刷两次牙。他也一天洗两次脸。他一天梳一次头。
4、He brushes his teeth twice a day. He washes his face and combs his hair once a day.───他一天刷两次牙。他一天洗一次脸和梳一次头。
5、ZHU Xuezheng, 23, puts on his favorite pink shirt, washes his face, fixes his hair, sprays cologne on his wrist and then heads out the door.───23岁的朱学政(音译)穿上自己最爱的粉色衬衫,洗完脸,梳好头,在手腕处喷上古龙香水。完成一系列动作后径直步出大门。
6、Then he washes his face at 6: 40. He's washing his face.───然后他在6:40洗脸.他正在洗脸。
7、towel I need a towel. He washes his face with a towel.───我需要一条毛巾.他用毛巾洗脸。
8、A rebel fighter washes his face after having lunch downtown in Benghazi, Libya, Thursday, May 19, 2011. (AP Photo / Rodrigo Abd)───5月19日,星期四,一名反对派士兵在利比亚班加西市中心吃完午饭后洗脸。
washes his face(意思翻译)
washes his face(相似词语短语)
2、on his face───在他的脸上
3、washes up───洗餐具;洗手洗脸
4、washes def───洗涤def
5、washes 2010───2010年华盛顿
6、washes crossword───洗字谜
7、washes hair───洗头
8、washes away───冲走;洗掉;忘却
9、wash his face───给他洗脸
washes his face(双语使用场景)
1、The little boy washes his face every morning .───那小男孩每天早上洗脸。
2、He gets up at eight o 'clock and washes his face.───他八点起床并且洗他的脸。
3、He brushes his teeth twice a day. He washes his face twice a day, too. He combs his hair once a day.───他一天刷两次牙。他也一天洗两次脸。他一天梳一次头。
4、He brushes his teeth twice a day. He washes his face and combs his hair once a day.───他一天刷两次牙。他一天洗一次脸和梳一次头。
5、ZHU Xuezheng, 23, puts on his favorite pink shirt, washes his face, fixes his hair, sprays cologne on his wrist and then heads out the door.───23岁的朱学政(音译)穿上自己最爱的粉色衬衫,洗完脸,梳好头,在手腕处喷上古龙香水。完成一系列动作后径直步出大门。
6、Then he washes his face at 6: 40. He's washing his face.───然后他在6:40洗脸.他正在洗脸。
7、towel I need a towel. He washes his face with a towel.───我需要一条毛巾.他用毛巾洗脸。
8、A rebel fighter washes his face after having lunch downtown in Benghazi, Libya, Thursday, May 19, 2011. (AP Photo / Rodrigo Abd)───5月19日,星期四,一名反对派士兵在利比亚班加西市中心吃完午饭后洗脸。