1、Short vibration to let you know the snap has been taken with option to remove this alert.───短振动,让你知道选择单元已采取移除此警示。
2、Indeed, most types of surgery are not curative and the aim of this book is to alert all concerned with palliative care to the usefulness and appropriateness of a surgical option.───的确,手术的大多数类型,有效和这书的目的在警惕涉及给用途和一外科选择的新闻时合性的姑息治疗的全部。
3、more button resets the application's internal state, removes the alert, and leads to your company's website where the user can learn more about the update and select a purchasing option.───更多“按钮将重置内部状态,关闭通知窗口,并且指向您公司的网站,在那用户可以得知更多的关于更新的信息以及购买的选项。”
option alert(意思翻译)
option alert(相似词语短语)
2、pocket option───袖珍选件
3、conversion option───兑换选择权;转换期权
4、guard alert───警戒
5、future option───未来选择权
6、charterers option───租船人选择权
7、heighten alert───提高警惕
8、spoiler alert───剧透警告
option alert(双语使用场景)
1、Short vibration to let you know the snap has been taken with option to remove this alert.───短振动,让你知道选择单元已采取移除此警示。
2、Indeed, most types of surgery are not curative and the aim of this book is to alert all concerned with palliative care to the usefulness and appropriateness of a surgical option.───的确,手术的大多数类型,有效和这书的目的在警惕涉及给用途和一外科选择的新闻时合性的姑息治疗的全部。
3、more button resets the application's internal state, removes the alert, and leads to your company's website where the user can learn more about the update and select a purchasing option.───更多“按钮将重置内部状态,关闭通知窗口,并且指向您公司的网站,在那用户可以得知更多的关于更新的信息以及购买的选项。”