1、The young live closely with their mother for up to 6 years.───年幼的海豚一直跟随母亲生活,直到6岁。
2、I live closely to school.───我住的离学校很近。
3、revealing, in ominous ways, what it means to live in a closely interdependent and interconnected world.───以不祥的方式揭示生活在一个密切相互依赖和相互联系的世界中意味着什么。
4、birthing season can begin as early as February and may occur more frequently among cats who live closely together.───生育的季节可能在二月初就开始了而且生育可能更频繁因为天冷猫们都住在一起。
live closely(意思翻译)
live closely(相似词语短语)
1、closely close───非常接近
2、closely linked───[医]紧密连锁的; 一环扣一环;息息相通;紧密相连
3、live my live───过我的生活
5、live live───活生生的
6、watch closely───仔细观察;密切注意;惕励
7、live to live───活着就是为了活着
8、reproducing closely───紧密繁殖
9、closely fought───势均力敌
live closely(双语使用场景)
1、The young live closely with their mother for up to 6 years.───年幼的海豚一直跟随母亲生活,直到6岁。
2、I live closely to school.───我住的离学校很近。
3、revealing, in ominous ways, what it means to live in a closely interdependent and interconnected world.───以不祥的方式揭示生活在一个密切相互依赖和相互联系的世界中意味着什么。
4、birthing season can begin as early as February and may occur more frequently among cats who live closely together.───生育的季节可能在二月初就开始了而且生育可能更频繁因为天冷猫们都住在一起。