1、It displays shapes corresponding to active object instances, automatically arranging items to follow a flow layout.───显示与活动对象实例相对应的形状,按照流布局自动排列各项。
2、is sometimes referred to as flow layout.───有时候是指流程配置。
3、Classes, as well as the flow layout engine.───类以及流布局引擎在内部使用。布局引擎使用。
4、Gets or sets whether the control is displayed in a table or flow layout.───获取或设置控件是在表中显示还是在流布局中显示。
5、NET Web page are rendered in the order that they appear in the markup, which is sometimes referred to as flow layout.───NET网页中的项目会以标记中出现的顺序呈现,有时候则称为流程配置。
6、For example, the flow layout supports headers and footers as optional supplementary views.───比如,流动布局支持页眉和页脚作为增补视图。
7、Class collects and manages the characteristics associated with the flow layout scheme.───类收集并管理与流布局方案相关联的特性。
8、And subclassing allows you to tweak the behavior of the flow layout class even further.───通过子类化你可以把流动布局类调整的更加强大。
9、This is sometimes referred to as flow layout.───有时候是指流程配置。
flow layout(英语使用场景)
1、The design principle, total process flow, layout and main features of process units of the revamp project for sour crude processing in Shanghai Petrochemical Co. , Ltd. are expounded.
flow layout(意思翻译)
flow layout(相似词语短语)
1、page layout───n.页面;页面布局
2、flow───vi.流; 垂; 流出; (谈话、文体等)流畅;n.流动;生产,供应;车流;流量;传播;流通;滔滔不绝;连贯,流畅;涨潮;泛滥;(苏格兰)湿地,沼泽;YueJing;vt.使泛滥; 淹没; 排出;n.流动; 滔滔不绝; 涨潮; 连贯;v.(使)流动,涌流;流通;传播;流畅;充满;大量供应;涨;涨潮;川流不息;飘扬;来自,由……产生;来YueJing;(矿物、岩石等)变形;n.(Flow)(美)弗洛(人名)
3、print layout───打印布局
4、constraint layout───约束布局
5、brochure layout───宣传册布局
6、bookshop layout───书店布局
7、mansion layout───大厦布局
8、keyboard layout───n.键盘布局
9、panel layout───屏板布置;面板布局;盘面设计
flow layout(双语使用场景)
1、It displays shapes corresponding to active object instances, automatically arranging items to follow a flow layout.───显示与活动对象实例相对应的形状,按照流布局自动排列各项。
2、is sometimes referred to as flow layout.───有时候是指流程配置。
3、Classes, as well as the flow layout engine.───类以及流布局引擎在内部使用。布局引擎使用。
4、Gets or sets whether the control is displayed in a table or flow layout.───获取或设置控件是在表中显示还是在流布局中显示。
5、NET Web page are rendered in the order that they appear in the markup, which is sometimes referred to as flow layout.───NET网页中的项目会以标记中出现的顺序呈现,有时候则称为流程配置。
6、For example, the flow layout supports headers and footers as optional supplementary views.───比如,流动布局支持页眉和页脚作为增补视图。
7、Class collects and manages the characteristics associated with the flow layout scheme.───类收集并管理与流布局方案相关联的特性。
8、And subclassing allows you to tweak the behavior of the flow layout class even further.───通过子类化你可以把流动布局类调整的更加强大。
9、This is sometimes referred to as flow layout.───有时候是指流程配置。
flow layout(英语使用场景)
1、The design principle, total process flow, layout and main features of process units of the revamp project for sour crude processing in Shanghai Petrochemical Co. , Ltd. are expounded.