1、Notice that the formula involves the use of the exponential function, and that the angles must be in radians.───请注意公式中所用的函数,以及所有的角度都必须在弧度中。
2、steady-state creep strain rate is a power function of deviatoric stress and exponential function of temperature and energy.───稳定蠕变应变率本构方程是作用在盐岩上的应力偏量的幂次函数和能量与温度的指数函数。
3、It may also be interesting to try this with an exponential function.───尝试用指数函数也是很有趣的。
4、Physics Decaying with time, especially as a simple exponential function of time.───【物理学】瞬变的:随时间延续而衰减的,尤指作为时间的一个简单的指数函数
5、The results indicated the concrete exhibited a considerable tensile creep ; creep coefficient declined in an exponential function.───结果表明,混凝土早期表现出较强的徐变能力,其徐变系数随龄期近似呈指数函数衰减。
6、For different soil depths, the amplitude of temperature daily variation can be approximated as an exponential function of the depth.───一日内地温变幅与深度关系可拟合成指数函数。
7、The breakdown current and the corona current are represented by a new pulse function and a double exponential function respectively.───用一种新型脉冲函数表示回击中击穿电流,电晕电流用双指数函数表达。
8、This is an exponential function.───这里是指数函数。
9、Just see how well an exponential function fits the data.───只要看数据是否满足某个指数函数。
exponential function(英语使用场景)
1、The paper gives a derivation rule of the exponential function and analyzes some common calculation methods.
2、Based on action values, an exponential function and a logarithmic function are used to compute action rewards and discount rate dynamically, which accelerates agents to choose optimized actions.
3、The hydrolysis rate constant increases at a exponential function with temperature increase.
4、The envelopes of the strain peaks is an exponential function.
5、The liquid emptying plots were all straight lines and were fitted to a single exponential function by an iterative least squares method.
6、However, the fraction of light absorbed is an exponential function of the pigment concentration in a leaf of a given thickness.
7、An exponential function is one in which the variable appears in an exponent.
8、The exponential function rules coal briquette penetrability coefficient coal briquette loading and unloading.
9、Then fit heat output curve by exponential function and hyperbolic function, and solved heat output coefficient of different composition ratio cement.
exponential function(意思翻译)
exponential function(相似词语短语)
1、exponential distribution───[数]指数分布
2、exponential smoothing───指数平滑法
3、exponential form───[数]指数形式
4、leveling function───调平功能
6、exponential growth───[经]指数增长;指数生长; 按指数律增长
7、exponential notation───[数]指数记号;[数]指数计数法;指数计数制(法)
8、exponential graph───指数图
exponential function(双语使用场景)
1、Notice that the formula involves the use of the exponential function, and that the angles must be in radians.───请注意公式中所用的函数,以及所有的角度都必须在弧度中。
2、steady-state creep strain rate is a power function of deviatoric stress and exponential function of temperature and energy.───稳定蠕变应变率本构方程是作用在盐岩上的应力偏量的幂次函数和能量与温度的指数函数。
3、It may also be interesting to try this with an exponential function.───尝试用指数函数也是很有趣的。
4、Physics Decaying with time, especially as a simple exponential function of time.───【物理学】瞬变的:随时间延续而衰减的,尤指作为时间的一个简单的指数函数
5、The results indicated the concrete exhibited a considerable tensile creep ; creep coefficient declined in an exponential function.───结果表明,混凝土早期表现出较强的徐变能力,其徐变系数随龄期近似呈指数函数衰减。
6、For different soil depths, the amplitude of temperature daily variation can be approximated as an exponential function of the depth.───一日内地温变幅与深度关系可拟合成指数函数。
7、The breakdown current and the corona current are represented by a new pulse function and a double exponential function respectively.───用一种新型脉冲函数表示回击中击穿电流,电晕电流用双指数函数表达。
8、This is an exponential function.───这里是指数函数。
9、Just see how well an exponential function fits the data.───只要看数据是否满足某个指数函数。
exponential function(英语使用场景)
1、The paper gives a derivation rule of the exponential function and analyzes some common calculation methods.
2、Based on action values, an exponential function and a logarithmic function are used to compute action rewards and discount rate dynamically, which accelerates agents to choose optimized actions.
3、The hydrolysis rate constant increases at a exponential function with temperature increase.
4、The envelopes of the strain peaks is an exponential function.
5、The liquid emptying plots were all straight lines and were fitted to a single exponential function by an iterative least squares method.
6、However, the fraction of light absorbed is an exponential function of the pigment concentration in a leaf of a given thickness.
7、An exponential function is one in which the variable appears in an exponent.
8、The exponential function rules coal briquette penetrability coefficient coal briquette loading and unloading.
9、Then fit heat output curve by exponential function and hyperbolic function, and solved heat output coefficient of different composition ratio cement.