1、A parallel FDTD method is the important method to enhance the speed and reduce the requirement of single computer memory costs in multiple data FDTD operation.───采用并行FDTD方法是解决FDTD方法运算效率低、单机内存消耗大的重要途径。
2、Multi-tasking, which is the process of running multiple applications and programs simultaneously on a single computer, relies heavily on virtual memory for smooth and error-free operation.───多任务,即运行过程中,多种用途单一节目同步电脑依靠虚拟内存平稳无误的运作。
multiple computer operation(意思翻译)
multiple computer operation(相似词语短语)
2、discontinued operation───[经] 停(中)止经营;停止经营
3、multiple sclerosis───[内科]多发性硬化;n.[医]多发性硬化
4、operation management───运营管理;经营管理;Cao作管理
5、heart operation───心脏手术
7、commercial operation───[经] 商业经营
9、strabismus operation───[医]斜视手术
multiple computer operation(双语使用场景)
1、A parallel FDTD method is the important method to enhance the speed and reduce the requirement of single computer memory costs in multiple data FDTD operation.───采用并行FDTD方法是解决FDTD方法运算效率低、单机内存消耗大的重要途径。
2、Multi-tasking, which is the process of running multiple applications and programs simultaneously on a single computer, relies heavily on virtual memory for smooth and error-free operation.───多任务,即运行过程中,多种用途单一节目同步电脑依靠虚拟内存平稳无误的运作。