1、While the total coverage of multiyear ice is the third lowest on record, the amount of younger multiyear ice has rebounded somewhat over the last two years.───的科研教授詹姆斯·马斯兰尼克说:“在过去两年多的时间里,虽然多年形成的冰川的总面积下降到了记录的第三低,但是更年轻一点的冰川面积却稍稍有所回升。
2、It's tempting to just look at the summary "total coverage" number and ignore the rest.───它尝试着查看总结“全部覆盖率”数值,并忽略剩余的部分。
3、have 100% covered the positions of advertisements in bars of 1912 block, and the total coverage achieves 98%.───已100%覆盖1912街区的一线酒吧内部广告位,总覆盖率达到98%。
4、Embargoes lead to more total coverage than exclusives.───保密协议比独家报道的覆盖面更加广泛。
5、It's tempting to just look at the summary total coverage number and ignore the rest.───它尝试着查看总结“全部覆盖率”数值,并忽略剩余的部分。
6、In order to encourage students to study hard, the university also grants scholarship at different levels with a total coverage of 70%.───为了鼓励学生刻苦学习,学校同时采用奖学金制度,奖学金分不同等级,总覆盖率为70%。
total coverage(英语使用场景)
1、This one case took 13 percent of the total coverage of rape trials.
2、PacBell Mobile added four antenna sites this month and has expanded its total coverage by 125 square miles since January.
total coverage(意思翻译)
total coverage(相似词语短语)
1、print coverage───打印覆盖范围
2、press coverage───新闻报道
3、new coverage───新保险范围
5、jest coverage───笑话报道
6、creditable coverage───信用保险
7、liability coverage───责任保险,责任险承保范围;[财]承保责任总额
8、insurance coverage───保险责任范围
9、total unhdr───total unhdr
total coverage(双语使用场景)
1、While the total coverage of multiyear ice is the third lowest on record, the amount of younger multiyear ice has rebounded somewhat over the last two years.───的科研教授詹姆斯·马斯兰尼克说:“在过去两年多的时间里,虽然多年形成的冰川的总面积下降到了记录的第三低,但是更年轻一点的冰川面积却稍稍有所回升。
2、It's tempting to just look at the summary "total coverage" number and ignore the rest.───它尝试着查看总结“全部覆盖率”数值,并忽略剩余的部分。
3、have 100% covered the positions of advertisements in bars of 1912 block, and the total coverage achieves 98%.───已100%覆盖1912街区的一线酒吧内部广告位,总覆盖率达到98%。
4、Embargoes lead to more total coverage than exclusives.───保密协议比独家报道的覆盖面更加广泛。
5、It's tempting to just look at the summary total coverage number and ignore the rest.───它尝试着查看总结“全部覆盖率”数值,并忽略剩余的部分。
6、In order to encourage students to study hard, the university also grants scholarship at different levels with a total coverage of 70%.───为了鼓励学生刻苦学习,学校同时采用奖学金制度,奖学金分不同等级,总覆盖率为70%。
total coverage(英语使用场景)
1、This one case took 13 percent of the total coverage of rape trials.
2、PacBell Mobile added four antenna sites this month and has expanded its total coverage by 125 square miles since January.