1、There is no one right or wrong way to learn to taste, but some rules do apply.───学习品酒的方式没有绝对的对或错,但有一些普遍的“规则”可以参考。
2、The word “procrastinate” is a heavy one, and I believe that people are trying to solve the problem the wrong way, leaving them with baggage that just won’t seem to go away no matter what they do.───拖延”是一个沉重的词,我相信这些试图解决拖延问题的人可能方法不当,才导致似乎无论他们做什么,拖延总是如同笨重的行李紧随其后。
3、Love all, trust a few, do wrong to no one.───爱护所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。
do wrong to no one(意思翻译)
do wrong to no one(相似词语短语)
1、no wrong───没有错
2、do you wrong───你错了吗
3、no one can do───没人能做到
4、one no one───一个没人
5、do wrong───v.作恶
6、no one no no───没人不不不
7、no one───n.没有人
8、do wrong to───为了……做错;对……做错;冤枉……
9、nothing to no one───对谁都没有
do wrong to no one(双语使用场景)
1、There is no one right or wrong way to learn to taste, but some rules do apply.───学习品酒的方式没有绝对的对或错,但有一些普遍的“规则”可以参考。
2、The word “procrastinate” is a heavy one, and I believe that people are trying to solve the problem the wrong way, leaving them with baggage that just won’t seem to go away no matter what they do.───拖延”是一个沉重的词,我相信这些试图解决拖延问题的人可能方法不当,才导致似乎无论他们做什么,拖延总是如同笨重的行李紧随其后。
3、Love all, trust a few, do wrong to no one.───爱护所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。