2、parts of speech───词类;词性;n.词性,词类( part of speech的名词复数 )
3、the many───多数人,人民大众;多数人;群众
4、many of the───许多
5、parts of the world───世界各地
6、in the east of the country───在这个国家的东部
7、throughout the country───全国各地; 举国; 海内
8、many of───许多…
9、the country───乡下;社稷
many parts of the country(双语使用场景)
1、In many parts of the country, the poles supporting nets, over which the cultivated nori spores are spread and left to grow.───在这个国家的许多地方,栽培紫菜孢子在支撑网状物的柱子的上面传播生长。
2、It's a good idea but there has been a side effect: the loss of the unique identities and cultures of many parts of the country.───这是一个好主意,但有副作用:损失的独特特征和文化的该国许多地区。
3、They had come from many parts of the country to prepare a statement that would be presented at a special mass meeting the following day.───她们来自全国各地,准备一份在第二天一次特殊的群众集会上宣读的宣言。
4、In many parts of the country a family of five might struggle to survive on as little as $80 a month.───在这个国家的许多地方,一个五口之家靠每月80美元的资金很难维持生活。
5、Charitable projects aimed at supporting the children are mushrooming in many parts of the country.───旨在帮助儿童的慈善项目如雨后春笋般在全国发展。
6、In many parts of the country during the harvest season, a popular activity is to go into an apple garden to pick apples.───在丰收的季节,许多地方都有一个热门的活动,就是到苹果园采苹果。
7、Mosques and churches often perform the duties of a state that has all but collapsed in many parts of the country.───对这个在诸多地区统治几近崩溃的国家来说,QingZhen寺与教堂经常履行着政府的许多职能。
8、Teenage crime was out of control in many parts of the country, and this city was no exception.───青少年犯罪是在这个国家的许多地区,这城也不例外。
9、The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country.───大雨使全国许多地方泛滥成灾。
many parts of the country(英语使用场景)
1、However, the administrative and medical infrastructure in many parts of the country is still not adequate to cope with the vast implications of nationwide compulsory sterilisation.
2、In many parts of the country, democratic elections are simply a pipe dream.
3、In many parts of the country, the blood supply is far below the standard stock, not to mention, a demand in an emergency.
4、Many parts of the country have experienced an increase in unemployment.
5、In many parts of the country, frosts were severe and prolonged.
6、There will be rain in many parts of the country tomorrow.
7、Conditions of extreme poverty now obtain in many parts of the country.
8、There will be thundery/wintry showers over many parts of the country.
9、The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country.
many parts of the country(意思翻译)
many parts of the country(相似词语短语)
1、the many of───许多
2、parts of speech───词类;词性;n.词性,词类( part of speech的名词复数 )
3、the many───多数人,人民大众;多数人;群众
4、many of the───许多
5、parts of the world───世界各地
6、in the east of the country───在这个国家的东部
7、throughout the country───全国各地; 举国; 海内
8、many of───许多…
9、the country───乡下;社稷
many parts of the country(双语使用场景)
1、In many parts of the country, the poles supporting nets, over which the cultivated nori spores are spread and left to grow.───在这个国家的许多地方,栽培紫菜孢子在支撑网状物的柱子的上面传播生长。
2、It's a good idea but there has been a side effect: the loss of the unique identities and cultures of many parts of the country.───这是一个好主意,但有副作用:损失的独特特征和文化的该国许多地区。
3、They had come from many parts of the country to prepare a statement that would be presented at a special mass meeting the following day.───她们来自全国各地,准备一份在第二天一次特殊的群众集会上宣读的宣言。
4、In many parts of the country a family of five might struggle to survive on as little as $80 a month.───在这个国家的许多地方,一个五口之家靠每月80美元的资金很难维持生活。
5、Charitable projects aimed at supporting the children are mushrooming in many parts of the country.───旨在帮助儿童的慈善项目如雨后春笋般在全国发展。
6、In many parts of the country during the harvest season, a popular activity is to go into an apple garden to pick apples.───在丰收的季节,许多地方都有一个热门的活动,就是到苹果园采苹果。
7、Mosques and churches often perform the duties of a state that has all but collapsed in many parts of the country.───对这个在诸多地区统治几近崩溃的国家来说,QingZhen寺与教堂经常履行着政府的许多职能。
8、Teenage crime was out of control in many parts of the country, and this city was no exception.───青少年犯罪是在这个国家的许多地区,这城也不例外。
9、The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country.───大雨使全国许多地方泛滥成灾。
many parts of the country(英语使用场景)
1、However, the administrative and medical infrastructure in many parts of the country is still not adequate to cope with the vast implications of nationwide compulsory sterilisation.
2、In many parts of the country, democratic elections are simply a pipe dream.
3、In many parts of the country, the blood supply is far below the standard stock, not to mention, a demand in an emergency.
4、Many parts of the country have experienced an increase in unemployment.
5、In many parts of the country, frosts were severe and prolonged.
6、There will be rain in many parts of the country tomorrow.
7、Conditions of extreme poverty now obtain in many parts of the country.
8、There will be thundery/wintry showers over many parts of the country.
9、The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country.