1、Older toilets go up to seven gallons a flush.───老式马桶每次冲水要用到7加仑。
2、"Survival is no better with radical or partial nephrectomy with tumors up to seven centimeters in diameter, " Dr.───“对于直径大于7厘米的肿瘤患者,完全切除和部分切除在生存的几率上是一样的,”卢梭博士说。
3、The legislation provides for the detention of suspected terrorists for up to seven days.───法律规定,对嫌疑KongBuFenZi最多可拘留七天。
4、But the same subjects would also be willing to pay up to seven dollars to avoid a tiny 1 percent chance of the same shock.───但是相同的实验对象也同样愿意花费达到7美元的价格去避免一次有1%的可能性被同样的电流击中的可能。
5、If convicted on these charges, the four face a fine and up to seven years in jail.───如果这些指控的罪名被证实,四人将面临罚款和至多7年的监禁。
6、Up to seven of these modular units plug into a bookshelf-style card rack.───每个机架式插件板导轨最多可安装7个此模块装置。
7、An eight-fly meal can drive it up to seven feet.───这种机器人“吃”掉八只苍蝇就有“力”走出七英尺(约2米)远。
8、Each player chooses up to seven cards in his or her hand, then shuffles the rest into his or her library.───每位牌手从其手上选择至多七张牌,然后将其余的牌洗入其牌库。清空所有法术力池。
9、If convicted, they face a fine and up to seven years in prison.───若被判有罪,四人将面临罚款和至多7年的监禁。
up to seven(英语使用场景)
1、A spotty, pink-red rash that appears up to seven days after your glands swell.
2、Perhaps it could have been rounded up to seven hundred - still not quite accurate, but at least more accurate?
3、The Movie Channel Up to seven great movies every day.
4、Up to seven layers are necessary to prevent the gastric juices from dis solving the package.
5、An ashless, alcohol-free additive that improves cetane up to seven points for increased power and performance in all diesel engines.
6、Its half-inch fangs deliver a huge dose, up to seven milliliters of venom, or about one-quarter of a whiskey shot glass.
7、The legislation provides for the detention of suspected terrorists for up to seven days.
8、Sentences included prison terms of up to seven years and a total of $ 17, 000 in fines.
up to seven(意思翻译)
up to seven(相似词语短语)
2、size seven───七号
3、seven up───七喜牌汽水
4、seven star───七星
5、number seven───7号
6、Up to───一直到;相当于;忙于…,在做…;由…决定的;多达; 直到; 在于…; 能胜任
7、seven to ten───七点到十点
8、seven people───七个人
9、week seven───第七周
up to seven(双语使用场景)
1、Older toilets go up to seven gallons a flush.───老式马桶每次冲水要用到7加仑。
2、"Survival is no better with radical or partial nephrectomy with tumors up to seven centimeters in diameter, " Dr.───“对于直径大于7厘米的肿瘤患者,完全切除和部分切除在生存的几率上是一样的,”卢梭博士说。
3、The legislation provides for the detention of suspected terrorists for up to seven days.───法律规定,对嫌疑KongBuFenZi最多可拘留七天。
4、But the same subjects would also be willing to pay up to seven dollars to avoid a tiny 1 percent chance of the same shock.───但是相同的实验对象也同样愿意花费达到7美元的价格去避免一次有1%的可能性被同样的电流击中的可能。
5、If convicted on these charges, the four face a fine and up to seven years in jail.───如果这些指控的罪名被证实,四人将面临罚款和至多7年的监禁。
6、Up to seven of these modular units plug into a bookshelf-style card rack.───每个机架式插件板导轨最多可安装7个此模块装置。
7、An eight-fly meal can drive it up to seven feet.───这种机器人“吃”掉八只苍蝇就有“力”走出七英尺(约2米)远。
8、Each player chooses up to seven cards in his or her hand, then shuffles the rest into his or her library.───每位牌手从其手上选择至多七张牌,然后将其余的牌洗入其牌库。清空所有法术力池。
9、If convicted, they face a fine and up to seven years in prison.───若被判有罪,四人将面临罚款和至多7年的监禁。
up to seven(英语使用场景)
1、A spotty, pink-red rash that appears up to seven days after your glands swell.
2、Perhaps it could have been rounded up to seven hundred - still not quite accurate, but at least more accurate?
3、The Movie Channel Up to seven great movies every day.
4、Up to seven layers are necessary to prevent the gastric juices from dis solving the package.
5、An ashless, alcohol-free additive that improves cetane up to seven points for increased power and performance in all diesel engines.
6、Its half-inch fangs deliver a huge dose, up to seven milliliters of venom, or about one-quarter of a whiskey shot glass.
7、The legislation provides for the detention of suspected terrorists for up to seven days.
8、Sentences included prison terms of up to seven years and a total of $ 17, 000 in fines.
9、Use up to seven effects simultaneously.