1、Behind my circulation desk, I have boxes and boxes of food that people are stumbling over, ” said Kathy Pape, the library’s executive director.───我的图书借还台后面放着一箱箱食品都能把人绊倒,”图书馆的执行董事Kathy Pape说。
2、Gorbachev is most likely a clean-desk executive.───戈尔巴乔夫现在是一位最爱好书桌整洁的ZongShuJi。
3、A lot of people hate me, Mr. Zou says, slumped in his executive desk chair in a yellow golf shirt and khaki chinos. They think I'm stealing their fortune.───黄色高尔夫衫和休闲裤的邹涛缩在老板椅中说:“有许多人都恨我,他们认为我偷了他们的财富。”
4、Sheila Johnson, chief executive of Salamander Hospitality, helped design the desk at her 341-acre farm near Middleburg, where her company is building a resort and spa.───美国 建筑业亿万富翁希拉·约翰逊参与 设计了自己的这张 办公桌。 办公桌安放在她位于米德尔博格附近341英亩的大农场的办公室内。
desk executive(意思翻译)
desk executive(相似词语短语)
1、junior executive───初级主管;副经理
2、bestar executive desk───禁用办公桌
3、executive apartments───行政公寓
4、executive chef───n.行政主厨;行政总厨
5、executive compensation───管理层薪资水平;管理人员补贴金; 经理人员报酬
6、executive control───[法]行政控制权
8、executive member───执行委员;n.执委
desk executive(双语使用场景)
1、Behind my circulation desk, I have boxes and boxes of food that people are stumbling over, ” said Kathy Pape, the library’s executive director.───我的图书借还台后面放着一箱箱食品都能把人绊倒,”图书馆的执行董事Kathy Pape说。
2、Gorbachev is most likely a clean-desk executive.───戈尔巴乔夫现在是一位最爱好书桌整洁的ZongShuJi。
3、A lot of people hate me, Mr. Zou says, slumped in his executive desk chair in a yellow golf shirt and khaki chinos. They think I'm stealing their fortune.───黄色高尔夫衫和休闲裤的邹涛缩在老板椅中说:“有许多人都恨我,他们认为我偷了他们的财富。”
4、Sheila Johnson, chief executive of Salamander Hospitality, helped design the desk at her 341-acre farm near Middleburg, where her company is building a resort and spa.───美国 建筑业亿万富翁希拉·约翰逊参与 设计了自己的这张 办公桌。 办公桌安放在她位于米德尔博格附近341英亩的大农场的办公室内。