1、I either pay them in advance if I get a big lump payment, or I set up automatic payments each month.───我若不在我有一大堆账要结的时候顺手提前缴清,就是设置银行每个月自动帮我缴费。
2、And with timely, automatic payments on your credit CARDS, you will also avoid costly late fees.───并与及时的,自动付款对你的信用卡,你还会避免代价高昂的滞纳金。
3、This means countries will get automatic payments, without having to wait for an assessment of the damage.───这就是说,有关国家将获得自动支付,不必等待损害评估。
4、Setup recurring automatic payments for most of our bills.───给我们的大部分账单设定了定期的自动支付。
automatic payments(英语使用场景)
1、If it hurts you every month to go over the bills and make the payments, then just set up automatic payments so that a fixed portion of your income goes towards paying debt.
automatic payments(意思翻译)
automatic payments(相似词语短语)
1、automatic bomb───自动ZhaDan
2、forborne payments───预付款
3、automatic knives───自动刀片
4、contactless payments───非接触支付
5、chronograph automatic───自动计时器
6、coupon payments───息票支付;票息利率;息票付款
7、payments syn───付款syn
8、presage automatic───预兆自动
automatic payments(双语使用场景)
1、I either pay them in advance if I get a big lump payment, or I set up automatic payments each month.───我若不在我有一大堆账要结的时候顺手提前缴清,就是设置银行每个月自动帮我缴费。
2、And with timely, automatic payments on your credit CARDS, you will also avoid costly late fees.───并与及时的,自动付款对你的信用卡,你还会避免代价高昂的滞纳金。
3、This means countries will get automatic payments, without having to wait for an assessment of the damage.───这就是说,有关国家将获得自动支付,不必等待损害评估。
4、Setup recurring automatic payments for most of our bills.───给我们的大部分账单设定了定期的自动支付。
automatic payments(英语使用场景)
1、If it hurts you every month to go over the bills and make the payments, then just set up automatic payments so that a fixed portion of your income goes towards paying debt.