1、He acknowledges this isdifferent to the corporate world. I think they [companies] would have cut things. If I had adopted that approach I would have failed.───他承认,这一点与企业界不同。“我认为,他们[公司]会削减内容。要是我采用那种方式,就成功不了。”
2、In an experiment that allowed people to use the system over the web, the researchers found that the visual approach cut in half the time it took for users to find useful content.───在一个允许人们在网络上使用这个XiTong的实验中,研究者发现用户们用可视化图片的方法来找到有用的内容只需要花费原来一般的时间。
3、pattern isn't a concrete solution that you simply cut and paste, but it is an approach to how you might solve the problem.───模式并不是您仅仅只需要剪切和粘贴的具体解决方法,而是一个您如何解决问题的方法。
approach cut(英语使用场景)
1、This approach cut down on trying to solve world peace all at once, which tends to just end up being a continuous series of meetings and negotiations, producing little more than meeting minutes.
approach cut(意思翻译)
approach cut(相似词语短语)
1、multidisciplinary approach───综合学科研究法
2、formalistic approach───XingShiZhuYi方法
3、cut cut───切,切
4、cautious approach───谨慎的做法
5、cognitive approach───认知法
6、killer approach───杀手锏
7、trait approach───特质途径;特质取向;特质论
9、didactical approach───教学法
approach cut(双语使用场景)
1、He acknowledges this isdifferent to the corporate world. I think they [companies] would have cut things. If I had adopted that approach I would have failed.───他承认,这一点与企业界不同。“我认为,他们[公司]会削减内容。要是我采用那种方式,就成功不了。”
2、In an experiment that allowed people to use the system over the web, the researchers found that the visual approach cut in half the time it took for users to find useful content.───在一个允许人们在网络上使用这个XiTong的实验中,研究者发现用户们用可视化图片的方法来找到有用的内容只需要花费原来一般的时间。
3、pattern isn't a concrete solution that you simply cut and paste, but it is an approach to how you might solve the problem.───模式并不是您仅仅只需要剪切和粘贴的具体解决方法,而是一个您如何解决问题的方法。
approach cut(英语使用场景)
1、This approach cut down on trying to solve world peace all at once, which tends to just end up being a continuous series of meetings and negotiations, producing little more than meeting minutes.