1、As the only child in their house, they've been preparing to shoulder responsibilities since childhood.───作为独生子女,从小他们就要准备承受更多的责任。
2、to supervise and organize works on safety production of water utilities industry, furthermore, to shoulder responsibilities in that matter.───监督、指导水务行业安全生产工作,并承担相应的责任。
3、Life becomes meaningful when we shoulder responsibilities. Avoiding responsibilities makes our life empty.───《谈责任》人生因为有责任而踏实,逃避责任就是虚度人生。
4、"China wants to make the deals but not to shoulder responsibilities, " says Zhu, the Peking University international relations scholar.───“中国想做生意,却不想承担责任”,北京大学国际关系学者朱教授表示。
5、As the only child in their house, they've been preparing to shoulder responsibilities since childhood.───作为他们家里唯一的孩子,他们已经在孩子出生以来在准备着担负责任。
7、Others may be added, especially if their rising influence is matched by a willingness to help shoulder responsibilities.───其他国家也可以参与进来,特别是那些在影响增强的同时愿意帮助分担责任的国家。
8、To supervise and organize works on safety production of water utilities industry, furthermore, to shoulder responsibilities in that matter.───监督、指导水务行业安全生产工作,并承担相应的责任。
shoulder responsibilities(意思翻译)
shoulder responsibilities(相似词语短语)
1、shoulder to shoulder───肩并肩地; 比肩;adv.肩并肩地;齐心协力地
2、cashier responsibilities───出纳职责
4、taking responsibilities───承担责任
6、stooped shoulder───弯肩
7、separated shoulder───分离式路肩
8、executor responsibilities───执行人职责
9、dropped shoulder───溜肩式样
shoulder responsibilities(双语使用场景)
1、As the only child in their house, they've been preparing to shoulder responsibilities since childhood.───作为独生子女,从小他们就要准备承受更多的责任。
2、to supervise and organize works on safety production of water utilities industry, furthermore, to shoulder responsibilities in that matter.───监督、指导水务行业安全生产工作,并承担相应的责任。
3、Life becomes meaningful when we shoulder responsibilities. Avoiding responsibilities makes our life empty.───《谈责任》人生因为有责任而踏实,逃避责任就是虚度人生。
4、"China wants to make the deals but not to shoulder responsibilities, " says Zhu, the Peking University international relations scholar.───“中国想做生意,却不想承担责任”,北京大学国际关系学者朱教授表示。
5、As the only child in their house, they've been preparing to shoulder responsibilities since childhood.───作为他们家里唯一的孩子,他们已经在孩子出生以来在准备着担负责任。
6、Shoulder Responsibilities Push forward Innovation───自觉肩负使命全力推进创新
7、Others may be added, especially if their rising influence is matched by a willingness to help shoulder responsibilities.───其他国家也可以参与进来,特别是那些在影响增强的同时愿意帮助分担责任的国家。
8、To supervise and organize works on safety production of water utilities industry, furthermore, to shoulder responsibilities in that matter.───监督、指导水务行业安全生产工作,并承担相应的责任。